Alpha Hero - Hope Ford Page 0,71

It’s too soon for that. I want one more day of being with someone that is with me for me. As soon as people find out who I am, what I have, they get weird around me. They change. “Well, let’s see. Right now, I’m a babysitter for a precious ten-year-old and well, family, uh, I don’t have any.”

“Oh shit, Anna told me that. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up.” He apologizes, kissing my forehead.

I sink into him then. I bury my face into his neck and kiss him. He moves his body and I can feel his hard cock pressing against my leg. I can’t resist; I raise off of him to look in his face. “There’s no way.”

He looks at me questioningly and I nudge my leg against his hardness again. “There’s no way you could go again.”

He smirks at me. “Are you really willing to make that bet?”

I can’t help it; I look at him in amazement. “But how? There’s no way.”

He wraps his hand around mine and moves it down between us. His already hard cock strengthens and gains in size. “Honey, any time you’re around this is what I’m dealing with. Do you know how many cold showers I’ve had to take since I found you on my couch that first night?” He pulls me down for a kiss and when he pulls away, he whispers and I can barely make it out, but I swear he says, “I’ll never get enough.”



I raise my head off the pillow and look at the clock. It says one o’clock. I raise up quickly, surprised that I slept this late. I look over at the pillow next to me and pick up the piece of paper. I scan it quickly, hating that I woke up after Carly had gotten out of bed.


I took Anna to the store so you could sleep awhile. We’ll be back after lunch.


I hear a pounding on the door and at first I think it’s mine, but when I raise up to pull my pants on, I realize it’s at the neighbor’s. When the knocking doesn’t stop, I open my door and see a man at Carly’s apartment.

“Hey, Carly’s not home. Can I help you?” I ask him. I don’t like that there’s some random guy knocking at her door.

He looks at me with distaste and I cross my arms across my chest.

He taps his high dollar shoe on the ground. “Why in the world she would move to this hovel is beyond me.”

He has to see the confusion on my face, because he says, “She’s a millionaire and decided to up and move to this, uh, place. I mean really, if she wanted to find herself, could she not have done it in Paris or Brazil or someplace exotic like everyone else?”

He starts to walk away, but I stop him. “Wait, are you saying that Carly is a millionaire?”

He turns his nose up at me. “Colton Medical?”

When I shake my head, letting him know I have no idea what he’s talking about, he says, “They’re only the leading firm in medical research.”

He shrugs when I still look at him confused. “Anyway, if you see her, please tell her that her attorney stopped by and I have papers for her to sign.”

He walks away then and I can tell by the way he puts his hand on the railing and then jerks it back, he thinks we’re just poor people that are beneath him. And he’s Carly’s friend. I look then around my apartment and try to see it through her eyes. The chipped paint, the scuffed floors, the cheap decorations. I should have seen it. I should have figured that she doesn’t fit in here.

I clench my fist and slam the door of my apartment. I knew it – I knew she was too good to be true.


We no sooner walk into the apartment than I can tell he’s mad. He’s already in his uniform and I should have called him, but Anna and I were having so much fun, I just couldn’t make her leave.

I hold my hand up when he walks toward me. “Look, I’m sorry we’re late. I should have called you.”

He looks between me and Anna. “Anna, what’s in the bags?”

She’s hopping from one foot to the other, bouncing the bag up and down as she goes. “Clothes. You won’t believe the clothes that Carly got me, Bub.”

I watch as his jaw tightens. “Take your stuff to Copyright 2016 - 2024