Alpha Hero - Hope Ford Page 0,26

asleep, each of us on separate sides of the bed. By the time the morning comes, I’m wrapped completely around him.

We finally finished the nursery last week and the image of him hanging the mobile over the crib will forever be etched in my brain. I thought he would have some kind of issue with this – being a father to another man’s baby, but he’s not, or at least doesn’t act like it. He talks to the baby, our daughter, and rubs my stomach while doing so every day.

Everything he does, hell, everything he is, only makes me more attracted to him. Honestly, I’ve fallen for him and I’ve fallen hard.

“What’s wrong?” I look up at the doorway and he’s staring at me with his hands rolling up and down his thighs.

I jump up then and sway a little on my feet, but he grabs on to me before I tip over. Shaking my head, I tell him, “Nothing.”

He holds me tighter. “There’s something bothering you and it has been for a while. I haven’t wanted to ask, because I don’t know if I want the answer or not.”

I swipe my hand across my cheek. “I’m fine. It’s nothing for you to worry about. I’m fine, the baby’s fine.”

His hand immediately goes to my belly as soon as I say the word “baby.” He picks me up then, like I weigh nothing, and carries me over to the chair in the bedroom. He sits down with me in his lap. His face is filled with sadness and I want to reach out and smooth the wrinkle from his forehead.


I’m sitting in the same chair I sit in most nights. It’s the chair that I go to when I think I can’t be in the bed one more minute with her without touching her, taking her and making her mine. Basically, everything I promised her I wouldn’t do.

Lately, she’s changed, she’s different. She’s withdrawn into herself and I can’t help but think she regrets marrying me. I should give her an out, but selfishness has stopped me from asking her about it. I don’t think I have the strength to let her go.

I adjust her in my lap so she’s sitting sideways and I can face her so she doesn’t feel my hard cock under her ass. We’ve made it this far; I can’t be an ass now.

She barely looks at me. I tip her chin up. “I know you’re not happy with me…”

Her eyes widen, and her mouth drops. “Yes, I am.”

The stunned look on her face makes me believe what she’s saying is true. I look at her skeptically. “Then what is it? Something’s been bothering you.”

She starts to shake her head and I put my hand on her leg and squeeze. “Uh, uh, no, don’t tell me nothing…”

She tilts her head to the side. “I, uh, don’t think you’re happy with me.”

I’m shocked by her words. Can she not see how I feel about her? Does she honestly not know how happy I am with her?

I reach up to cup her face and she pulls her head away. “No, Terry, I know this is different than what you were expecting. I mean, look at me, I’m huge right now. I’m sure you weren’t expecting that.”

Then it hits me. “Are you saying that I don’t want you? You seriously think that I’m not attracted to you?”

She looks away and shrugs her shoulders. I grip her hips and pull her back across my lap until my hard cock is nestled underneath her thighs. She gasps at the contact and I stifle a moan.

“I want you, April. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life. You said ‘no sex’ and even though I didn’t agree with it, I went along with it because it was important to you. But honey, these last five months, I’ve been in agony for you. I sit in this chair most nights with my cock in my hand, just watching you sleep and squirm across the covers. Oh, I want you. Don’t ever doubt that.”

She wets her lip with her tongue and if possible, I’m even harder. “I want you, Terry. Sometimes it hurts I want you so bad.”

Her words undo me. I waste no time picking her up, carrying her to the bed and laying her down. I sprawl out next to her and kiss her lips. The last several months, I’ve only given her a peck on the lips Copyright 2016 - 2024