Alpha Hero - Hope Ford Page 0,24

hand, lacing our fingers together. I’m looking into her eyes and it takes everything I have not to take her into my arms. “Tell me one good reason.”

She tilts her head to the side. I can see the hope flare in her eyes. I know she wants to say yes. Maybe not because she loves me, but I’ll take her any way I can get her. “Uh, because you don’t love me. Because this isn’t your baby. Because I’m not your responsibility. Because, we can’t, I can’t, uh, have sex with you.”

I stare at her and it doesn’t go unnoticed by me that she didn’t say, “Because I don’t love you.” That alone gives me hope.

I tip her chin up and hold her so she has to look at me. “It’s quick, I know, but I can see myself loving you. And it doesn’t matter who the biological father is, I will be this baby’s father.” I cup her belly and her stomach tightens under my hand. “I’m not trying to be responsible for you. We’ll be there for each other. I need you just as much as you need me. And fine, even though we know we’re good together, I’ll give you time. You don’t want to have sex? I’ll wait until you’re ready.”



Two weeks later

I still can’t believe I did it. It took some convincing, but Terry finally did it. And he meant what he said; he didn’t leave until I agreed to marry him. He spent the night that night. Him on the couch and me in my bedroom. I tossed and turned the whole night, thinking of all the reasons I should say no. But, God in the dark of the night, alone in my room and honesty beating on my chest, all I wanted to do was say yes.

My mom came home from work the next morning and I walked into the kitchen to Terry making breakfast and he and my mother planning the wedding. I thought for sure she would tell me what a bad idea this was, but when I asked her about it, all she would say is that “Terry’s pretty convincing.”

I had to agree there. We married one week later with my mom, Mack and Jane as witnesses. Terry kept pushing for a bigger wedding, but I didn’t want that. I still wasn’t comfortable and knew people would be talking, but if they did, Terry made sure I didn’t hear any of it.

He had me moved in and tonight is my first night in his house. I still can’t get over the memory of his lips on mine after we said “I do” earlier today. Hell, my body is a hormone playground and I’m all over the place.

Terry comes walking in. “I think that’s the last of it.”

He’s carrying a bag of my clothes in. He had already moved all the big stuff in earlier this week, so today it was just clothes.

He starts walking into his bedroom with my bag, but I stop him and stand by the guest bedroom door. “I thought I was staying here,” I say, pointing to the open door.

But he doesn’t stop. He keeps walking and puts the suitcase down on his bed before unzipping it. When he plunders through it and starts pulling out my underwear, I charge over beside him and grab them. “Terry, I thought we agreed on this.”

He looks at me pointedly. “You said no sex. Fine. If that’s what you want, I won’t push you. But you’re my wife and you will sleep in my bed.”

The tone in his voice tells me not to argue. I almost do, but change my mind, and just nod my head. I don’t put up much of a fight because I want to sleep next to him. I want him close.

He starts opening drawers and I finish unpacking, but I catch myself looking at the ring on my finger and the way it sparkles. Today is supposed to be a happy day. It’s my wedding day. But it’s not. I know why he married me. I know he’s sacrificing to have married me and even though he says I’m helping him out too, I know the truth. I don’t know if it’s displaced honor or feeling responsible somehow. I look at him out of the corner of my eye and he’s leaning against the doorway staring at me.

“You just got married, honey. Why do you look so sad?”

I shrug my shoulders. Anymore, I don’t Copyright 2016 - 2024