Alpha Hero - Hope Ford Page 0,2

best friend in the same fire he lost his eyesight in? Possibly. I know about loss. I know what that can do to you and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

I close the folder and stuff it in my purse, then push the doorbell and wait.

I can hear rustling on the other side and finally the door opens. When I see him, I take a deep breath. Normal guy. I mean, he’s nice looking and not too intimidating. That is until I notice he’s looking straight at me.

I tilt my head to the side. “Uh… Hi, are you Mack Taylor?”

He laughs and I swear he mutters, “You wish” before he opens the door wider and waves for me to enter.

When he holds his hand out, I shake it. “Hi. I’m Jane Baxter. I’m the nurse that Captain Benson hired.”

“Hey. I’m Terry… and Mack is this way.”

I follow him then and take in my surroundings along the way. I can’t help but notice the white walls and dark furniture. It’s minimally decorated, which is actually good. Less to get in the way.

Terry stops and I almost run into the back of him. He steps to the side. “And this is Mack.”

That same feeling I had on the porch hits me hard and fast. I’ve never experienced it before today and I don’t know what it means, but I’m standing over one of the most handsome men I’ve ever met in my life. The first thing I notice, besides how handsome he is, is that he is obviously uncomfortable. He is not adjusting to losing his sight, but really, who could blame him? He’s big, taking up most of the chair he’s sitting in. His brown hair is short and there’s stubble on his chin. Did no one offer to shave him? Or is that how he normally wears it? When I realize he’s moving around, waiting for me to say something, I step forward and reach for his hand.

The contact catches us both off-guard. I stare at his hand in mine and I grip it firmly. “Hi, uh, Mack.” I clear my throat and pull my hand back. I can’t seem to form a sentence without stuttering while touching him. “I’m Jane. I’ve been hired by Captain Benson to help you get adjusted.”

He pulls himself up and I put my hands out in front of me to catch him. But he stands easily. The folder said that other than the loss of his vision, he seems to be healthy… no other side effects.

He doesn’t teeter or seem off-kilter, and I put my hands down and lift my head up to look at him. I have to tilt my head backwards to look into his face. He’s tall and he towers over my five foot six inch frame.

His jaw hardens and his friendly voice from only seconds ago is now menacing. “I appreciate you showing up, but I don’t need you here.”

Terry automatically intervenes. “Mack!”

But he’s not having it. Mack holds his hand up and Terry instantly backs down. I’m looking at Terry, trying to get a read on the situation and I can tell he’s mad. I would guess normally he would not let Mack get the last word, but he seems to be accommodating to his friend’s sickness. Which when I look over at Mack, I think he’s thinking the same thing.

“Or you either, Terry. I don’t need either of you here. Both of you need to leave,” he yells at the two of us, holding his arms out like he’s going to shoo us out the door.

Terry finally looks like he might stand up to him, but I grab his arm and shake my head side to side. I gesture to the door and start walking.

When we get to the front door, I whisper to Terry, “I think it might be better if I did this on my own.”

His eyes go wide and he looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “Really? You want to be left alone with that? He’s a pain in the ass, but I’ve never seen him lose his temper like that.”

“I can handle it,” I assure him. “Now, tell him bye and I promise I’ll call you if I need anything. Your number is listed in his folder.”

I stand holding the door open as he goes and tells Mack bye and then walks out the door. He mutters to me as he passes by, “I hope you know what you’re getting Copyright 2016 - 2024