The Allure of Julian Lefray - R.S. Grey Page 0,101

I’d somehow wedged myself in so far that I couldn’t get out.

“Lily! Help! I’m stuck!”

I tried to pick up my feet and kick off the mud, but there was no use. It was like quicksand and I needed Lily to help me if I was going to get out without getting even dirtier.

“Jesus Christ. I cannot believe you just did that,” she said, hopping out of the truck and slamming the door behind her. “I should just leave you in there after how you’ve acted tonight.”

I swatted at the gnats swarming my face and I swore two or three of them actually made it into my mouth. I tried to spit them out, but there were too many to keep track of.

“No! Please, you have to save me,” I begged, feeling tears building in the corner of my eyes.

I was so close to seeing Julian. He was at McAllister’s and I was going to die in a ditch before I got to him.

“Julian!” I yelled again.

A dog started barking and then porch lights flipped on behind me. I twisted around to see who it was as Lily slid down the ditch, careful not to get caught in the mud herself.

“If you don’t shut up, I’m going to leave you in here. You just woke up the Jensens and I really don’t feel like explaining this situation to Randy right now. That man is mean.”

On cue, Randy poked his head out of the front door with an angry scowl marring his features.

“Hurry! Hurry!” I said, reaching for her hands so she could help pull me out.

“Josephine? What the—is that you?”

I glanced up toward the deep voice and my heart dropped.

Julian was standing up on the street, right behind the bumper of my dad’s truck. Light from a distant streetlight encased him from above. His hair was disheveled and his shirt was half-untucked. He looked a little worse for wear, but he was there, standing less than five feet away from me.

“Julian?” I asked, holding my hand over my eyes to get a better view of him. “What are you doing here?”

Lily glared back and forth between us. “Wait. Are you kidding me? Julian was actually at McAllister’s? You’re Julian?”

He nodded, not taking his eyes off me.

“I’m stuck in a ditch,” I said.

The side of his mouth hitched up in an adorable smile. “I can see that.”

“Get off my lawn right now!” Randy Jensen yelled from his front door. “You hear me?! Imma go get my shotgun!”

Lily and I both screamed and Julian slid down the side of the ditch to grab my hand. Between him and Lily, it only took me a second to crawl my way back up to the street. We scrambled up to the truck, flinging mud behind us as we went. Lily flew around to the driver’s side door and Julian and I climbed in on the passenger side. I held my breath the whole time, waiting for the sound of a birdshot blast.

“Go, go, go!” I yelled, pounding the dashboard.

Lily stepped on the gas and the truck tires squealed against the concrete as we made our getaway.

“Did he really have a shotgun?” Julian asked, turning to look back.

I started to laugh, and then I couldn’t stop. Lily flew down the street, putting as much distance between us and Randy’s house as possible. I sat on the center of the bench seat with Lily on one side and Julian on the other, lost in a fit of laughter. The last twenty minutes had been too funny to be real. Randy Jensen had almost shot me. What a way to go.

“Can you believe that just happened?” I asked, trying to catch my breath.

“Your stupid ass almost got us killed,” Lily said, shaking her head.


She shot me the evil eye. “Yes, you!”

Laughter gave way to a shit-eating grin as I stared out the front window. The night sky was expansive, surrounding us from every angle. Lights flashed by us like shooting stars, one after the other, granting my wishes one by one. I fell back against the seat and turned to find Julian watching me with his steady gaze. I found his hand on the seat and laced my fingers through his.

Not ten minutes earlier, I’d been daydreaming about him, wishing I could somehow talk to him, and suddenly there he was. He was sitting beside me, studying me with a bemused smile. Before I’d finished my thought, I was leaning closer, inhaling his cologne and pressing my lips Copyright 2016 - 2024