All the Rage (DI Adam Fawley #4) - Cara Hunter Page 0,40

who’s been visiting Parrie, though,’ he says carefully.

I nod. That, at least, I can probably do without making too many waves.

‘I just think it would be worth ruling it out,’ he continues. ‘But I’m sure you have nothing to worry about.’

I put down the mug and manage a thin smile.

‘Thanks for the tea. And the reassurance.’

His smile is a lot more convincing than mine. ‘Any time. Though the press are bound to pick up on the Parrie thing sooner or later so best be prepared, eh?’

I get the message. ‘I’m seeing Harrison first thing.’

‘Good. And Alex? How’s she coping with all this?’

‘She’s fine,’ I say quickly. ‘Busy at work, you know.’

He must sense something, because he frowns slightly but he doesn’t push it, and then I make a big show of getting out my car keys and we’re going in to say goodbye to Viv and shaking hands on the doorstep and I’m trying my best to avoid his eye.

Because I’m not sure which is worse; the lie of omission or the lie I just told.

* * *

‘So what do you think – do we still want pizza?’

Patsie is sitting behind Sasha on the top deck of the bus going towards Summertown, her backpack wedged between her feet. She’s wearing her red leather jacket, like she always does. Isabel’s next to Sasha, listening to music on her phone and fiddling about with her hair. She’s dyed the ends pink. Sasha half wishes she had the courage to do that, but only half. It’s not just that her mother would flip (to which Iz just shrugged and said it would grow out eventually so no need to get your knickers in a twist); Sasha’s always been rather proud of her hair, and her mum never stops reminding her that as soon as you start dyeing it you’ll never get the real colour back.

Patsie leans forward and digs Isabel in the ribs. ‘Earth to Parker. Where. Do. We. Want. To. Go?’

Iz turns round and pretends to swipe her. ‘I heard you honking the first time, you noisy cow. I don’t care as long as I don’t have to eat my weight in pizza – I am getting SO fat!’

Sasha gives her a sidelong look. ‘Yeah, right. You’re a size six, for God’s sake.’

Iz blows her a kiss and Patsie makes a puking gesture and they all collapse in giggles. On the other side of the aisle Leah reaches into her bag and pulls out a bottle with a straw in and passes it round. It says Diet Coke on the side, but there’s a good glug of her father’s Scotch in there too. Not the malt – he’d notice that – just the stuff he keeps for when the neighbours come round. Sasha takes as small a sip as she can get away with then hands it back, feeling the alcohol burn down her throat. She’s taught herself not to gag, but really, whisky is truly disgusting. And as for those bright-green shot things – they just taste like mouthwash –

‘So, you going to tell us or what?’

Sasha looks up. Her three friends are staring at her, trying to suppress their knowing smiles. Sasha does her best to look Innocent And Baffled but she can’t be making a very good job of it because Leah gives her one of her yeah, yeah faces.

‘Don’t even try and pull that one – we know you’ve got a new bloke, don’t we, Pats? So – give. Who is he?’

Sasha feels herself blushing. ‘I don’t know what you mean.’

The girls give her theatrically incredulous looks. ‘You’ve been mega secretive for days,’ says Isabel. ‘What is it – is he married or something?’

She has her head on one side now, scrutinizing Sasha for a reaction, which only makes her blush even more.

‘Well, wouldn’t you like to know,’ she says, trying to look playful and teasing. As if she’s sitting on a delicious secret. Which she tells herself she is – well, sort of, anyway.

Iz looks archly at Patsie and passes Sasha the bottle again. ‘Don’t worry. Few more of these and we’ll get the truth out of her. We’ve got all night.’

Patsie pokes Iz in the shoulder blades. ‘You, Isabel Rebecca Parker, are all talk. You were totally out of it last week on two Cactus Jacks.’

She grins at Sasha, who gives her a relieved smile in return. She can rely on Patsie to back her up. She always has – ever since playgroup. The two only Copyright 2016 - 2024