All Consuming (Brotherhood by Fire #3) -Jaci Burton Page 0,88

Normally, when I’m on shift, the only thing I’m thinking about is the job. But lately, thoughts about her are creeping in.”

“What kinds of thoughts?” She lifted her lips in a half smile. “Or are those off-limits?”

“No, nothing off-limits. I’ve been thinking about the future.”

“A future with Hannah in it, you mean.”


She took a swallow of coffee, then tapped her fingers on the table while she thought. “So things are serious between the two of you, then?”

“Well, that’s the thing. It’s not like we’ve talked about it. It’s just in my head right now.”

“Maybe you should talk to her about it so it’s not in your head.”

That seemed easy enough, theoretically. But actually having that conversation with Hannah? Not so easy. “Yeah, maybe I should.”

“I sense a ‘but’ in there.”

“She’s wary. Just coming off a divorce. She wants to be independent, do things on her timeline. I don’t blame her for that.”

“And you think what’s in your head, what you want to talk to her about, might be rushing her.”

“Yeah, maybe. I don’t know.” He ran his hand over the top of his head. “I didn’t expect to run into her again, to start things up with her again after all these years. To feel what I feel for her. And for Oliver.”

His mother nodded and continued to sip her coffee without saying anything, which meant she was mulling things over. And probably expecting him to do the same. He knew his mom, knew she wasn’t going to solve this problem for him, that she’d expect him to deal with it on his own. She’d always been there for him as a sounding board, but the solution was going to have to come from him.

“I should give her space,” he said. “And let things between us play out like they’re supposed to.”

She gave him a probing look. “Are you in some kind of hurry?”

“I guess not.”

“Is she dating some other guy?”


She laid her hand on top of his. “Then take things slow with her, baby. Do exactly as you said. Give the girl some space and let her breathe. Allow the two of you to come together naturally, like you’re supposed to. Love isn’t some kind of race that you have to win, Kal. It’s a slow, beautiful journey. Take your time getting there. And enjoy it.”

He took a deep breath and let it out. “You’re right. Thanks, Mom.”

She smiled. “Anytime. And just from my personal observations, I think she feels the same way.”

His pulse rate spiked at her words. “You do? How?”

“The way her face lights up when you walk into a room. You can read a lot on a woman’s face when she looks at a man. The things she does for you that means she cares for you, that she wants what’s best for you.”

“Like planning the birthday party.”

“Yes. And how she trusts you with Oliver—and believe me, that’s not easy, especially for a single mother.”

“I really like that kid.”

“I think you more than like him. Kind of like how you feel about his mother.”

“Yeah. Which is why I’ve been so much in my head.” He blew out a breath. “Too much thinking.”

She squeezed his hand. “Stop thinking so much and be in the moment more. Things will happen like they’re supposed to.”

He had to believe that. He had to stop trying to control every situation, to make things happen as he planned.

“Thanks. I needed this conversation to get my head on straight.”

“I’m always here for you. And pay attention at work. You know how your dad feels about that.”

His lips curved. “Yes, ma’am.”

Now he felt better. More focused. His mom was right. He had to get out of his own way and just enjoy what was happening between Hannah and him. Their relationship was going great, and things would happen as they were meant to happen. He didn’t need to push it to move along any faster than it was already going.

Knowing that Hannah might be feeling the same way he did helped.

Now he could relax. As much as he was gonna relax about the Hannah situation anyway.


OLIVER’S EXCITEMENT OVER HALLOWEEN WAS INFECTIOUS. He’d been practically pacing nonstop since he woke up this morning, waiting for dark. He was driving Hannah crazy.

Fortunately, Kal had the day off, and he’d come over midday, which had been super helpful in distracting Oliver so Hannah could get a few things accomplished. She’d managed to pay a few bills and do two loads of laundry, as well as get Copyright 2016 - 2024