All Consuming (Brotherhood by Fire #3) -Jaci Burton Page 0,49

with me. Jackson and Becks are gonna go, too.”

“It sounds fun. When are you going?”

“Sunday. I’m on shift Saturday, and I know that’s a workday for you, too.”

“Sunday sounds perfect. We’d love to go.”

“Great.” He sent her the kind of smile that warmed her all the way to her bare feet. Not that she wasn’t already completely heated from the inside out after that hot sex session, but this kind of warm was different. It was the way he looked at her, the way he thought to include her in his life that made her feel . . .

Special. It also sent warning bells pinging in the logical part of her brain, the part of her that told her to hit the brakes on this—hard. But she also knew how much giving back to the homeless community meant to him and to his brothers, and now wasn’t the time.

They cleared the table, wrapped up the leftovers and put those in the fridge, then settled on the sofa to watch TV. She chose a baseball game, and they argued over balls and strikes, something they used to do when they were younger.

“Good call,” Kal said after the ump made a call for ball four and the batter walked to first base.

“You must need glasses, because it was right over the plate, and he should have been called out on strikes.”

He shook his head. “I see just fine. Not my fault you’ve never known where the strike zone is.”

She sat up straight and swiveled to face him. “Excuse me? Who pitched for the varsity softball team?”

“Who was the catcher on varsity baseball? Trust me. I know my strike zone.”

“So do I.”

They glared at each other, and then she launched herself on top of him. They wrestled until she laughed so hard she was out of breath.

“Give up?” he asked.


He flipped her over on her back and came down on top of her, smoothing her hair away from her face. “That’s what I like about you. You never give up.”

Kal’s lips met hers, and she wrapped her leg around his as his tongue slipped inside and made her instantly hot and needy. She arched her hips to feel that sexual connection with him, and he ground against her in the most intimate of ways.

“Mom, I’m home.”

She shoved Kal so hard he almost fell off the sofa. Instead, he hurried to the corner of the sofa and dragged his fingers through his hair.

Hannah stood and smiled while trying to regain her composure. Fortunately, Oliver had headed down the hall and hopefully hadn’t seen the two of them making out on the sofa.

“Hey, kiddo. How was soccer?”

“Good. Oh, hi, Kal.”

“Hi, Oliver. I heard you had soccer practice. How was it?”

“It was good.” Oliver plopped down on the sofa right next to Kal. “What are you doing here?”

“I ate dinner with your mom tonight.”

“Cool. What did you have?”

“Eggplant lasagna.”

“Oh. We had tacos. I got to play forward and halfback today at practice. I did my homework already, Mom.”

“Okay. I’ll check it later. You need to go take a shower.”

“Right now?”

“Yes, right now.”

Kal stood. “I gotta go anyway. I’ll see you this weekend, Oliver.”

Oliver looked up at him. “You will?”

“I will. We’re gonna go do something fun.”

“All right! See you later, Kal.”

“See ya, buddy.”

Oliver went down the hall toward the bathroom, and Hannah walked Kal to the door. “Sorry about that.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s life with a kid.”

He didn’t seem upset about it, and she appreciated that he understood that her life was filled with interruptions. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

He wrapped his arm around her and tugged her against him, long enough to press a steamy kiss to her lips. Then he let her go. “Yeah. Soon.”

She didn’t want to let him go, and there was that problem again. “Bye, Kal.”


He turned and walked out the door, and she lingered to watch him, far longer than she should have.


AS THEY MADE THEIR WAY TO THE SCENE OF THIS ACCIDENT, Kal mentally prepared for how they were going to conduct the rescue. It always helped him to walk through the steps of what gear they’d need, how they’d work the scene, what role he’d take and how dangerous it was going to be. Though everything the TRT did was dangerous, some situations were worse than others. He hoped this wasn’t one of the worse ones.

They arrived on scene at the large farm and immediately started unpacking their gear. Kal caught sight of the nervous parents Copyright 2016 - 2024