All Consuming (Brotherhood by Fire #3) -Jaci Burton Page 0,41

face. Thankfully, he gently slipped a bite into her mouth and Carmen did the same. She should have known the way the two of them were so sweet with each other that there’d be no cake shenanigans.

Then Hannah watched Kal rock back and forth impatiently while the staff cut the cake. He was like a kid, waiting expectantly until they were finished.

Fortunately, the wedding party received their pieces of cake first. Kal brought a plate to her at the table and set it down.

She was about to slice into the beautiful cake when Kal stopped her.

“Wait,” he said, then slid his fork into his cake and offered her a bite.

“I’m surprised you can wait that long to eat. And that you’re willing to share yours.”

His lips curved. “All worth it to feed you.”

She took the bite from his fork. It was melt-in-your-mouth delicious, with a subtle flavor of almond and the most delectable buttercream frosting she’d ever tasted.

“It’s so good.”

“Yeah, it is,” he said, but he was looking at her and not the cake, making her entire body flame up.

She ate a few more bites, then offered up the rest to Kal, who greedily cleaned her plate.

Jackson and Becks went out on the dance floor, followed by Rafe and Carmen, so Hannah and Kal joined, too. They danced and laughed, and there was a photo booth where they all stopped to take silly pictures with props. She couldn’t recall when she’d had more fun.

The slow dancing was her favorite part, because she got to be in Kal’s arms, and even though the ballroom was filled with people, the way he looked at her made her feel as if they were completely alone.

She waited for the warning bells to sound off in her head, the ones that would tell her she was moving too fast, that she should slam on the brakes.

Nothing. Maybe she was just having too much fun. Maybe it was the wine and Kal’s family.

Either way, she was going for it, because she was enjoying herself too much tonight to let any warning bells get in her way.

When the night got late and lots of people had left, they swayed together on the dance floor to a slow, sexy song. Kal’s hands moved up and down her back, and the feel of his fingers sliding along her skin caused delicious pinpricks of need to skitter through her nerve endings.

“I got a room at the hotel tonight,” he said.

“That’s okay. I can call for a car to take me home.”

“Or . . . you could stay with me.”

Could she? Her mind filled with the possibilities. The logical part of her said no.

But the part of her in Kal’s arms right now? The part of her that felt his hands roaming down her back, tingling all over as his fingers teased the nape of her neck? That part of her wanted to scream yes.

But could she lose herself in the moment?


AS HANNAH LOOKED AT KAL, SHE THOUGHT OF ALL HER responsibilities. Her son. Sunday was grocery shopping and laundry day.

Then again, her mother did tell her to have fun. To stay out late. Overnight might be too late, though.

But was it? She knew her mom. She wouldn’t care, as long as Hannah sent her a text to let her know she’d be out with Kal all night. Knowing her mother, she’d probably send out a cheer emoji.

It had been a long time since she’d spent the night with a guy. And it wasn’t like Kal was a stranger. As he held her in his arms and moved her around the dance floor, she realized this felt right.

“I could stay with you,” she finally said. “I just need to clear it with my mom so she’s okay with it.”

His lips curved. “Back when we were teens there was no asking permission.”

She laughed. “Back when we were teens we’d have gotten killed for sleeping together.”


“I’m going to send her a text now, before she goes to bed.”

He nodded and let go of her hands. She went to the table and grabbed her purse, pulled out her phone and sent her mom a text message letting her know she was going to hang out with Kal at the hotel tonight.

It didn’t take her mom long to reply.

Yes! Have fun! Don’t come home too early tomorrow. Love you.

And her mom had used a celebration emoji. Hannah rolled her eyes. So predictable, that woman. But she was also always in Hannah’s corner, and she Copyright 2016 - 2024