Alien Conquest (Fated Mates of Xaensskar #2) - Jude Gray Page 0,42

her go.

I ran through the woods like a maddened grosen, my sharp stare probing every shadow, every leaf, every section of the ground, sniffing the air for a whiff of my beloved’s unique scent, listening intently for so much as a moan.

The farther I ran, the more tenuous our connection became. When I began to feel her presence less, I stopped, turned around, and retraced my steps. More slowly, this time, and with a calm I hadn’t felt since before she’d disappeared.

I knew this land. This land was the first place I’d ever felt freedom. This land soaked up my stepfather’s blood and held the buried remains of my mother. I’d thrust into my first woman here, an awkward union between a boy and a prostitute that still made me chuckle fondly when I thought of it. But right now, Corsov was no longer feeling like freedom, and when I found Kreia, I was getting her out of Corsov, XCRU or not.

Let them try to take her from me. Let them.

I smiled grimly and crept on, feral and cold, to find my mate.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I was pretty sure that by the time Dexx found me, I’d be an icicle with hair. I got up, despite the pain in my entire body, and forced myself to pace. If I didn’t, I’d float away into the sweet warm arms of death.

I won’t lie. I was tempted. I was definitely not a fan of the cold.

I alternated between yelling, crying, and talking to myself as I walked—limped, actually—the small space, back and forth, over and over and over. I didn’t know if it was still night or if morning had come. I hoped it would start warming up a little once the sun made an appearance, but I feared the sun wasn’t coming. Not here in this bonetrap.

My voice was stronger, at least, and often, I’d lift my chin, clench my fists, and scream until I was hoarse. And I always screamed for Dexx. If he’d have walked over my awful prison, he would have felt me. I was sure of it. Even if he couldn’t hear me, he would feel me.

I stumbled, and before I could right myself I fell to my knees, unable to even summon the energy to move away from the rock bruising my legs. I threw back my head and screamed as loud as I could, and then, because it felt good, I screamed again.

I gasped and struggled to my feet when high above, I heard an abrupt dragging sound, and then I saw a small sliver of light. It grew larger and larger until finally, I saw the sky.

I was not blind.

Someone leaned over the hole and stared down at me.

“Dexx?” I cried. “Dexx?”

“The fuck,” a feminine voice called, “are you doing down there?”

“Freezing my ass off,” I said. “I wouldn’t mind a little help before I lose my toes. Get me out of here!”

“I don’t currently have a rope or a hoist in my pockets, princess. I’ll leave the lid off your hole, though, in case you can climb your way out.”

And she actually withdrew.

“Wait,” I shrieked. “Don’t you dare leave me stuck in this hole.”

She appeared once again. “I don’t think there’s a lot I can do for you. Wait. There is something.” She slid away from the hole and a few moments later, tossed something heavy and dark into the pit.

I flinched and hurried to move out of the way of the falling object, but it was only a coat. With a cry of delight I snatched up the coat, huge and thick and still warm from her body, and thrust my frozen arms into the sleeves.

It even had a hood, and I wasted no time pulling it over my head and then buttoning up the front. I thrust my hands into the pockets and then looked back up to where she crouched.

“Thank you. You’ve just saved my life.”

“Glad to help. Now I have to go steal myself another coat. It’s fucking cold out here.” She hesitated, then, “Well, bye.”



“My name is Kreia, and there are people searching for me. I need to tell you what happened, just in case…” I shrugged. “Just in case.”

“So talk. And talk fast. I have places to be.”

I told her exactly what had happened and who’d put me in the hole. “If you find my mate and lead him here, he will give you anything you want. He’s wealthy, you know.”

“Even I know who Dexx Tavin is, princess. If Copyright 2016 - 2024