Alien Conquest (Fated Mates of Xaensskar #2) - Jude Gray Page 0,23

lot of faith in fate,” I grumbled, dipping my spoon into the stew.

He nodded. “I do.” Then he raised his voice. “Soup’s hot, boss.”

But Dexx might not ever have come to eat at all had I not carried my bowl to the other side of the fire, giving him the space he seemed to think he needed.

I listened to the two men talking, their voices deep and rumbling and somehow comforting, and I couldn’t force myself to avert my gaze from Dexx. Once, he looked away from Bo and his stare snagged on me, and the heat that leaped from his eyes was hotter than the fire blazing between us.

It hit me right between the legs. I gasped and squirmed and my bowl hit the ground with a clang, and I was too shocked, for a moment, to even breathe.

Oh Gods. Was this how he felt every time he looked at me? If so, no wonder he was troubled. I was apparently weaker than him, because I could not have withstood it. I would not have resisted.

It was as though the persistent call inside him was spilling over onto me, and all I could do was sit there and let the overwhelming wave of it sweep me away. It was at once exciting and dreadful.

Although all this emotion was swirling around inside me, I don’t think my expression changed. Other than a stiffening of my body, I didn’t move. I stared at him, absorbed the fury of energy rushing between us, and waited. It was all I could do.

Bo stood when I dropped my bowl and hurried toward me, kneeling at my side to pick it up and peer with concern into my face. “Are you all right?” he murmured.

I nodded dumbly, held in such thrall by Dexx that I simply couldn’t find my speech.

Finally, Dexx stood, breaking the odd spell. “Let’s clean this up and get started. It’ll be dark before long.”

Bo started toward the animals. “Krey,” he told me, “help Dexx. I’ll ready the xildes.”

Dexx didn’t argue. I rushed to help clean up the camp while he extinguished the fire, and we never spoke a word to each other. It didn’t matter, somehow. Strangely enough, I felt peaceful.

I truly believed now. Dexx Tavin and I were meant for each other. I felt it in my very bones. Soon, he’d understand I wasn’t a boy. Then, he’d simply have to get over the fact that I was part Drimuti.

“One hurdle at a time, Kreia,” I muttered.

But I didn’t want to wait much longer. Soon, whether Bo thought it was a good idea or not, I was going to show Dexx that he hadn’t been lusting after a male this entire time.

Chapter Thirteen


I hadn’t talked to Xaena Kros for months, and out of nowhere, she called me to let me know she was sending her bounty hunters after the boy. Not Vihn—she didn’t even mention him. She wanted Krey. He’d broken into a powerful man’s house and stole something the man wasn’t willing to overlook.

“I heard that you had him,” she said. “Don’t take him into Corsov, Dexx. Not even my men like to penetrate that hole.”

Xaena had founded Xaena’s Criminal Recovery Unit, and her hunters were the best on the planet. They always got their man. If they were coming for Krey, the only place he might be safe was in Corsov with me.

“I will pay for the stolen items,” I’d told her.

“It’s more than that, Dexx.”

“I’ll pay you the bounty, as well.”

“Very generous, but it’s a legal matter now. When he returns to the city, we’ll be waiting for him. I’ve been hired to do a job, and you know I won’t stop until the job is completed.”

Apparently, the man’s wife had awakened during the robbery and her heart had failed. Krey wasn’t safe. If I sent him back, they would take him in and try him for murder. He wouldn’t be sent to prison for life. He would be put to death.

I pushed my xilde—and myself—hard to get back to camp, half out of my mind with worry that I’d be too late. Fucking Bo hadn’t answered my calls, but when I rode into camp, Krey was still there.

Clean and fresh smelling, his face swollen and bruised, still wearing the ugly cap over his thin white hair. Every time I glanced at him, something inside me eased when I saw that his hair was covered.

I wondered what that face would look like once the swelling and discoloration Copyright 2016 - 2024