Alien Captain's Bride - Scarlett Grove Page 0,29

me with a heightened arousal that is drenching my panties for the hundredth time today. My heart flutters, and I don’t want to let him go.

“I will return in the morning to escort you to my estate.”

“Don’t you want me to come with you now?” I ask.

“There is no need. You may spend the night with your friends. It will make the transition easier.”

“Okay…” I’m not sure what else to say. He seems so concerned about my emotional well-being. But with how I’m feeling, if I don’t get some sexual healing soon, I’m going to die of a lust overdose. Is that even possible? Has anyone ever died of horniness?

“Good night, Doris Gray.”

The sound of my name on his lips sends another uncontrollable quiver of desire down my spine. He turns to go, and I watch him. His broad shoulders and towering form leave a long shadow in the fading afternoon sunlight. He has the most squeezable ass I’ve ever seen in my life. I imagine pinching it and biting it before he climbs into his vehicle and flies away.

I seriously need to get a grip. I’ve masturbated twice in the last two days. That is more than I used to masturbate in a month the entire time I was single. I ask the AI to open the front door and step inside.

I vow that I will stop being so horny and try to deal with my relationship with Jaxxo logically from now on.

When I arrive at my wing, the girls are all out in the living room, gossiping. They grow hushed when I walk through the door.

“Speak of the devil,” Bobby says. Bobby’s attitude is the last thing I need right now. My clit is so tight, I think it might explode.

“How was it?” Bethany asks, standing from the couch. “Do you want a glass of wine? I was just about to get one myself.”

“Yes, please,” I say. “That is exactly what I need right now.”


Being with Doris is so painful, I don’t know how I will make it through the rest of the courting process. I have worn less fitting clothing to disguise the almost constant erection I experience whenever she is near.

Perhaps the genetically specific pheromone enhancement is overpowered. Surely, it is not meant to do this to me. I’ll have to bring it up at the next council meeting. But the thought of sharing this experience with anyone is embarrassing. How can I tell the leaders of every Martian district that I get hard every time I’m near my mate? Hot shame burns in my cheeks at the mere thought of sharing such personal information.

I shake my head, trying to get control of my body and emotions. This kind of physical and emotional arousal is completely foreign to me. It isn’t just my groin that is swollen. It is also my heart. Every time I am near her, I want to hold her, whisper soft words in her ears, vow to be her champion and protector for all eternity.

It is a strange and unsettling response I had not anticipated. Even with years of education in ancient human courtship, I am baffled by my own reaction to this little woman.

I land back at home and ask my housekeeper to prepare an evening meal while I pour myself a glass of scotch and pace my rooms. I must prepare for my bride to arrive tomorrow. Her rooms were already waiting for her when I brought her here. But I decide I will inspect them again to ensure they are suitable.

I take my scotch to the suite where she showered and enter the room. I am immediately struck by the smell of her body when the door shuts behind me. Hot desire washes over me as I stride through the room and open the door to the bathroom.

The smell of her is stronger in here. My genetically enhanced senses pick up the subtle and obvious scent of her body, of her arousal. My mind flashes back to the scene of her in the shower. My eyes go wide, and I throw back the rest of my scotch. I am sure my bride has touched herself again in this room. In my house.

My dick grows stiff. There are cameras all throughout my home. And I know that with a single word, I can view her naked in this room.

My cock screams as it presses against the fabric of my slacks. I set the glass on the counter and push down Copyright 2016 - 2024