Alibi (Brantley Walker Off the Books #5) - Nicole Edwards Page 0,86

down at her, he lifted her chin with a finger, tilting her head back.

“I don’t want anyone else, JJ. Since the day I met you, you’re the only one I can think about.”

She didn’t say anything, but Baz could practically hear her thoughts. There was no way Molly’s name didn’t pop into her head.

“This is a relationship,” he said softly, firmly, continuing before she could interrupt. “I’m not goin’ away. You and I both know that’s not what you want. We deserve that chance.”

Her green eyes were glassy once again, and he held her gaze for long seconds before he leaned in, pressed his forehead to hers.

“I love you, JJ. You might not want me to, you might not even believe me, but I do. And I’m gonna continue lovin’ you even if you push me away.”

She sniffled, but her head tilted, her mouth moving closer to his.

“I don’t expect you to love me back,” he managed. “Not yet. But you will.”

Again, he knew she was thinking about Molly, and it made his chest ache.

“For the time being, let me love you and you just be content with that. Let’s keep doin’ what we’re doin’. This friendship … it’s important. And while we’re doin’ that, let me show you what it means to be in a relationship, show you that you’re better at it than you think you are.”


“Let me, JJ,” he said sternly, pulling back to look down into her face. “That’s all I’m asking. One day at a time. It doesn’t have to be difficult.”

Her eyes were wide, but he could see hope there. Possibly for the first time since he’d met her, she wasn’t poised to argue with him.

“What do we do on the first day?” JJ whispered, and those words made his heart thump harder.

“Well, I suggest we go back to bed, you let me hold you for a few hours so you can get some sleep. That’s all, JJ. I just wanna hold you. Then tomorrow we’ll see how it goes.”

“And go to the aquarium?” she asked hopefully.

“Whatever you wanna do. Aquarium, beach, whatever.”

“That sounds like a full day.”

“It can be.”


Baz cupped her face, smiled. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. But one day at a time.”

“As promised.”

When she let out a giggle as he was lifting her into his arms, Baz knew this time would be different. It would require effort, but the one thing he knew with absolute certainty was that JJ was worth it.

So very worth it.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Friday, March 12, 2021

Brantley ran along the water’s edge, Tesha keeping stride beside him. He focused on the feel of the sand beneath his feet, the salty breeze on his face, his body having found its natural rhythm, giving him the ability to focus his mind.

He’d come out this morning before anyone had woken in an attempt to get some perspective. He knew the coming weeks were going to put pressure on the team. The change alone was going to cause some tension, and he would have to deal with all that plus the challenge of proving their worth to Sniper 1 Security.

They had spent the past six months on the hunt for Juliet Prince, and while it hadn’t been their sole focus, it had taken a significant amount of their time. That was over. Done. There was nothing to fall back on, no excuses to be made. It was time for the next chapter in their story to be written. Was he ready? Absolutely.

Yet there was still the matter of the choice he and Reese had made in that motel parking lot in Port Isabel. They had left Juliet Prince to die, and while he didn’t regret that she was dead, it wasn’t a decision he’d ever seen himself making. At some point, along with all his other demons, Brantley figured it would rear its ugly head and he would have to deal with it, too.

Brantley ran through the wet sand until his thighs screamed and his lungs burned, but he couldn’t seem to outrun his thoughts.

Tesha let out a bark then took off at a sprint, leaving Brantley behind.

Up ahead, he saw Reese walking toward them at a leisurely pace. Brantley closed the gap quickly, slowing as he approached, wanting to catch his breath before he said good morning to his man.

As he walked, his muscles cooling, he had another thought. Brantley wondered what the next chapter in their story would entail. He smiled to himself, realizing he didn’t know the answer, but he was looking forward to Copyright 2016 - 2024