From Alaska with Love - Ally James Page 0,2

at her mother and cringed. “I wasn’t far from having to move back home with the parents.”

Sara had never been one to take pleasure in another’s misfortune, but she couldn’t help being riveted by Chloe’s story. If she can’t hold on to a man, what hope do the rest of us mere mortals have? She touched her cousin’s hand as she said, “I’m so sorry. You should have . . .” Should have what? Would you have taken or returned her call? Not likely. Even though she didn’t give voice to the last part, they both knew exactly what she was thinking. They were at that awkward level—friends who’d drifted apart and yet fell into old habits when they saw each other unexpectedly. “How’d we get to this point?” she blurted.

“Shit happens,” Chloe said matter-of-factly. “But let’s not let it continue. You and I are going to dinner next weekend and don’t even think of blowing me off. Tell Nicole to get off her ass and watch her own kid for an evening. Heck, if Kaylee went missing, she wouldn’t be able to describe her own daughter to the police. You’d have to do it.”

Even though Sara secretly agreed with what she’d said, she still halfheartedly attempted to defend her mostly absent sister-in-law. “Well, I am the nanny. Pretty sure child care is considered the main part of my job.”

Chloe gave her a skeptical look. “So they pay you enough to be on duty round the clock? She works like an hour a day doing the weather for Channel 7. How taxing can that possibly be? And what about Chris? He’s been out of the military for several years now.”

“He started his own business with a couple of his Air Force friends. He spends a lot of time building his customer base.” At least that’s what he says when I want a day off. “He does work from home some, but you know how distracting kids can be. Plus—Kaylee gets upset when I’m not there.”

“Of course she does, Sara. You’re pretty much the only mother she has. And I know you must be equally attached to her. But she’ll grow up and make a life of her own. And you’ll realize that a big chunk of yours has passed you by.”

“Gee, thanks,” Sara muttered around the huge lump in her throat. Way to sugarcoat it. Does anyone have a bridge I call throw myself off of?

“That was a bit . . . blunt,” she said sheepishly. “I’m used to working around a lot of men who don’t have a sensitive bone in their bodies. I could have worded that better, sorry.”

Sara forced a smile, hearing the note of regret in Chloe’s voice. It had been hard to hear, but she did have a point. Kaylee was already growing up so fast, and when she no longer required constant supervision, what then? Nicole will make me the full-time maid. Wait, I’m not far from that now. “It’s fine. Can’t be in this family without growing some thick skin.” She didn’t think Chloe was buying into her tough girl act for a minute, but thankfully she let it go.

When Aunt Ivy ushered Chloe away to speak with more relatives, Sara took the opportunity to gather her things and leave. Thankfully her mom was fully enjoying the time with her sisters, and didn’t seem to mind when she waved good-bye. Still, she didn’t allow herself to relax until she reached the safety of her car.

Even though she wanted a moment to process the hellish reunion ordeal, she didn’t dare risk being spotted and marched back inside the building. Her aunts would probably brand her with their version of the scarlet letter. In her case, it would be an S instead of an A. Heck, being an adulterer would likely have elevated her status in their eyes. Better a ho than a spinster. I need to get laid immediately. But short of making out with some guy at the family Christmas party or posting X-rated pictures on Facebook, there wasn’t actually a way to prove that she had gotten lucky. So much for that.

Normally she didn’t give it a thought, but today she wasn’t ready to go home. And since Chris had used Kaylee’s cold as an excuse to avoid the reunion, then screw it. Let him and Nicole play parents for a while. It was certainly a role they weren’t used to. Their contributions to Kaylee’s life were pretty much limited to providing Copyright 2016 - 2024