In the Air (The City Book 1) - By Crystal Serowka Page 0,49

twenty-first floor, the doors opened, and in walked Samson. He looked much more put together than he did yesterday. His hair was impeccable, brushed smoothly on each side. I didn't understand why he took any time doing his hair each morning when we'd be endlessly sweating in class anyway.

I'd never seen anyone look as good in a Smiths T-shirt as he did. It was nice seeing Samson out of his immaculate wardrobe and in something more freeing. Without his usual tie, he looked like an actual eighteen-year-old. When he saw that Kingsley and I were standing in the elevator, he smiled.

"Good morning," he said as his hand touched my lower back. He ignored Kingsley.

She grunted. "What a shame, Natalia. Now you can't tell me about the hot sex you had over the summer."

I glared at her and then turned and smiled at Samson, hoping he didn't believe a word she said.

"It's okay, I know she's lying. I can't imagine her ever being truthful."

I cut in before the conversation got worse. "Both of you, stop." I fixed my stare on each of them, hoping they'd understand I was sick of their constant bickering.

"How was the rest of your night?" Samson whispered.

"It was fine. Just caught up on some studying and talked to my mom. That's always a good time," I said sarcastically. "What about yours?"

Kingsley interrupted our conversation by clearing her throat.

As soon as the elevator arrived on sixteenth-floor, she shot off like a rocketship, rushing ahead of us. I ignored her bad manners and laughed.

"So, how was your night?" I repeated my question.

"It was ... interesting," he answered obscurely. "Aubrey showed up."

I stopped walking. He was about to tell me they were back together and that the entire day we spent together meant nothing. Samson turned around when he noticed I wasn't by his side.

"That's why you didn't answer," I speculated.

"There's a lot running through my mind right now. We're already running late. Let's get to class and we can talk later."

Samson took my hand and lightly rubbed the inside of my wrist. I imagined Samson with Aubrey, lying on his bed, laughing. It hurt me to think of them together.

"Can you just tell me now?" I couldn't handle waiting the entire class to find out what happened between them.

"Natalia, I'm not back together with Aubrey, if that's what you're getting at. I'd just like to talk to you and explain what I'm feeling. Can we please just go to class and talk about this later?" His tone was assertive, not leaving much room for a rebuttal.

I dodged his stance, walking around him to the doors of the classroom. If he wanted to have a chat later, that was fine, but for now, I didn't want to talk to him. I heard Samson calling after me, but I ignored him and continued walking. Madame Dampier was standing at the front of the room, talking with another student as I entered. I found Kingsley and stood next to her. When she saw the look on my face, she gave me her full attention.

"What's wrong?"

Her concern surprised me. "Samson."

My one word answer satisfied her curiosity. He walked to the front of the room, looking back at me to study my face.

Madame Dampier shut the door and asked for participation from two students. Samson swiftly raised his hand, Madame Dampier nodding in his direction. She chose a girl who I'd noticed last week. Her jet-black hair was pulled into a neat bun on top of her head. She was shorter than me, and her black leotard looked gorgeous against her hazelnut-colored skin. Her black pointe shoes gracefully moved across the floor. Samson looked over at her and smiled. I couldn't figure out what type of smile he gave her. Was it a nice-to-meet you smile? Was it a flirty smile? Oh, geez. I shouldn't care what kind of smile it is.

Madame Dampier directed the girl and Samson to stand in the center of the room, while the other students remained in back. The girl stood there with her feet in first position. Her posture was beautifully poised, and I was jealous the moment Samson's arm wrapped around her waist.

"Samson and Avery, I'm very happy you two participated." Madame Dampier gave them a tight-lipped smile and turned her attention to the class. "Samson is an excellent partner and I'd like the men in this room to study his strength. As for the girls, watch Avery. See how trusting she is with her body." She Copyright 2016 - 2024