In the Air (The City Book 1) - By Crystal Serowka Page 0,32

This was different than our previous kiss. Natalia initiated the embrace and neither of us pulled away. Her mouth remained on mine. She took control. In that moment of ecstasy, my body was frozen in time.

Natalia reached up and grabbed the collar of my shirt. Her tongue invaded my mouth and I wanted nothing more than to be the best host. No doubt about it–I had feelings for her. When the kiss ended, we stayed locked together. The band wrapped up their set, and I stood there, studying her face. A shiver escaped her as I slipped my hand down to her waist. She wanted me and it was obvious that I wanted her, too.

Natalia's eyes looked at me with so much trust. I had to tell her about Aubrey. Truthfully, I didn't know what to do anymore. Did I still want to be with Aubrey? Even if I did decide to end my relationship, I knew I couldn't jump into another one right away. As I was about ruin the moment with my honesty, she broke the silence.

"I'm sorry. I got so caught up in the song and we were holding hands, I –"

"Don't ever apologize for following your instincts, Natalia. That was–" I started to say that the kiss was amazing, but she cut me off.

"I know. It was bad. We shouldn't be kissing, we barely know each other." She removed her hands from my chest and put distance between us. "We're friends."

The way she said the word 'friends' sounded so final.

"Right. At least, we're trying to be. You're making it awfully difficult by kissing me like that." I quirked up an eyebrow and smiled.

"Shut up. You kissed me back," she stated proudly.

I couldn't help but think about the fun situations two dancers could get into. It was useless to try and shake away my x-rated thoughts. I didn't intend to become insanely attracted to my dance partner, but it was hard to control my feelings for her.

"Can we ride back to the dorms together? I think we need to talk." I wasn't looking forward to telling Natalia about Aubrey. I didn't want her to go back to thinking of me as just her dance partner.

"Yeah. Let me make sure Kingsley is okay to get back, although I would be surprised if she's still here. She was on the prowl tonight." She turned her head, searching her roommate. Kingsley would be easy to find in a crowd. She stuck out like a mohawk in a country club.

While Natalia looked for Kingsley, I mentally prepared myself for the conversation that lay ahead.

"I guess she left. I'm ready whenever you are." Natalia appeared nervous.

She followed me out of the bar and onto the sidewalk. New York at night was gorgeous. The bright lights, the crowded streets, and the pedestrians filling up every space on the sidewalk. I loved this city.

The air was cool and the wind bit at the back of my neck. It wasn't summer anymore. Natalia was close to my side and I felt her trembling body. I peeked down at her bare legs, willing myself not to cover them up. They looked far too good to not be noticed, and for some reason, jealousy arose in the pit of my stomach, imagining the guys that had seen her naked. I must have gulped loudly because her head snapped in my direction.

"Something on your mind, Callahan?" she asked, a hint of a smile appeared on her lips.

I had a feeling she knew exactly what I was thinking. She had to be used to guys falling all over her.

"Let's catch a cab, I can tell you're freezing–your lips are turning blue!" I said dramatically. I brushed my thumb against her bottom lip.

"They are?" Natalia's eyes opened wide, revealing their magnificent beauty.

"Brown-eyed girl." I said as I stared into her honey-colored eyes.

"What did you just say?" Her tone changed and she suddenly looked bothered.

"Your eyes made me think about the song," I explained. "Did I say something to upset you?"

"No, It's just that my dad always used to sing that song to me. It was our song." Natalia looked down at the sidewalk, hiding her emotion from me. My hand found her jaw and I lightly pushed her chin back up to look at me.

"I'm sure your father is proud of you." The smile I was growing so fond of appeared on her face. Natalia and I stood there on the corner, as cars drove through the congested streets. For Copyright 2016 - 2024