In the Air (The City Book 1) - By Crystal Serowka Page 0,20

laughed lightly, mocking the asshole that had just hit on me.

"Beauty and wit. This must be my lucky day." I shook his hand and the attraction flared. "My name is Kingsley." Without letting go, he lightly stroked the inside of my wrist with his thumb. "I noticed your accent, Wren. Where are you from?"

He dropped my hand and picked up his drink to take a sip. I was already feverish from this man, but the way he licked his lips after taking a sip was going to give me heatstroke.

"I'm from South Africa but have lived in the States for five years. I'm a student at NYU. What about you, Kingsley?" He slid the barstool closer to mine. His hand found my wrist again and began lightly stroking the inside of it. "What's your story?"

His knees hit against mine and I had to stop myself from caressing his thigh. This man was so gorgeous it would take zero effort for him to get into any girl's pants. If he asked me to get naked right in the middle of the bar, I would have happily obliged.

"How about a drink first?" I motioned for Brad and ordered two shots of Jameson. When they arrived, Wren's hand left my skin, leaving it aching. I downed my shot, watching Wren swallow his at the same time. I noticed the black and white rose tattoo that peeked out from under his collar. "How many tattoos do you have?" I wondered just how much of his skin was covered in sexy ink.

"Quite a few. All over my body." His tongue left his mouth and licked the outside of his full lips. I imagined his lips wrapped around my earlobe.

This may have been the longest conversation I'd ever had with a potential sex partner. I felt my entire body needing a release. I could tell Wren wanted me just as much as I wanted him, so I went on to make the first move.

"I'd like to see," I stood up from my barstool, smoothing out my mini-skirt, "all of them."

He was silent for a moment before he smiled. "I think I'd be okay with showing you all of them." Wren stood up and I noticed how much taller he was than me, even with my heels. Finally, a man whose ego wouldn't be bruised by my height.

I led the way to the bathroom in the back. I knew it wasn't the most sanitary thing, but I couldn't wait much longer.

As Wren and I entered the bathroom together, I locked the door behind us and prepared myself for the screaming I would be doing in a matter of minutes.

Three days had passed since the kiss I'd shared with Samson. I wasn't even sure if I should consider it a kiss. Yes, his lips were on mine, technically, but then he pulled away seconds later. I liked it, but not how it made me feel afterwards. Every rehearsal since had been awkward and our only conversations were about dance techniques. From the moment I'd first laid eyes on him, he was like a virus I couldn't seem to kick.

I'd been cooped up in my dorm room the past three hours, contemplating my days here. Before my father died, he told me it was his last wish that I send my audition tape to Juilliard. At first, I laughed.

"I can see the administration watching my audition and laughing at me." I told him.

"Nat, you need to do it. I believe in you."

"You really think I'd make it?" I asked hesitantly.

"You're the best dancer I've ever seen. Don't tell your mom that." He laughed, pulling me into his chest and giving me his crushing bear hug. His encouragement was the one thing that convinced me to follow my dreams. I was here for one reason. Somehow, thoughts of Samson kept deterring me from focusing on those dreams.

Deciding to get some air, I grabbed my purse and headed out. Just as I turned the knob to leave, Kingsley burst in. I jumped back to avoid getting hit in the face by the door.

"I can't believe it. You're actually leaving this dreadful room?" She sashayed past me, dropping her bag on the floor. "Don't tell me you're meeting Samson."

I was already so used to Kingsley's assumptions, that by the second day I was here, it had stopped bothering me.

"No, I thought I would go get some coffee and work on homework. Like you said, this place is dreadful." I wanted to be Copyright 2016 - 2024