In the Air (The City Book 1) - By Crystal Serowka Page 0,16

my brain from thinking about the pain.

"Seriously, are you alright? Are you going to live or do I need to carry you to the ER?" He bent over my body, trying to look me in the eye.

"Shut up. I'll be fine." I slowly stood up, hoping the pain would subside. He followed, making sure I was able to stand on my own. His hand found my elbow, and the contact made me completely forget about the pain.

"Should we try that again?" Samson asked.

I stepped away from his hold, my eyes wide with surprise. "Are you nuts? I'm not going to risk getting hurt again just so you can prove a point. Absolutely not." The pain began to intensify, so I sat back down, putting most of my weight on my right cheek. Samson joined, facing me.

The lyrics, "trust is quicksand, claiming everything I have. All to give me life," played as his eyes focused on mine. Samson slowly licked his lips and moved his body closer.

"Samson, I –"

His lips met mine, but I wasn't as repulsed as I thought I would be. I was surprised at how alive it made me feel. For the few seconds our lips touched, desire built within me.

Samson pulled away. Confusion fell on his face as he stood up. "It's getting late." He grabbed his gym bag from the floor and walked to the door. He looked back at me with a satisfied look on his face, his hand on the doorknob. "Get some ice on that backside, doll."

The door slammed and I was left on the cold floor, alone, with an aching ass. See what happens when you let your guard down, Natalia?

When my lips touched Natalia's, the emptiness I thought had taken a permanent place inside me vanished. Knowing that confusion was sure to set in any minute, I convinced myself to forget what had just happened between us and get some rest. Minutes later, or so it seemed, I was awoken by an incredibly irritating sound.

That sound couldn't be more annoying. What in God's name is that sound? As I slowly peeled one eye open, I noticed my phone was lighting up like the Fourth of July. I reached to turn the incessant alarm off and saw the time staring back at me.

"Fuck! How am I always late?" Jumping out of bed, I realized I had no time to shower and threw on the first thing my hand touched. My mouth tasted like I had licked cat litter and then rinsed it out with a quart of spoiled milk. Throwing a piece of gum in my mouth, I rushed to rehearsal, stopping when the doorknob wouldn't turn. It was locked. I knocked, but no one answered. I'd heard about this sort of thing before. If you were late to a class, the teacher would lock the door and not allow you in. Fuck. It was only my second day, and I had already screwed up. I knocked harder, hoping Madame Dampier would have pity on me. After a few moments of standing alone in the hallway, the door finally opened and I was immediately met with the glaring eyes of my teacher.

"Samson, can I help you?" Madame Dampier asked sharply.

"I'm sorry. I woke up late, and –"

"I don't care to hear your excuses. If this happens again, you'll be removed from my class. Do we have an understanding?"

"Yes, Madame Dampier," I faintly responded. She moved aside so that I could walk into the studio. Noticing Natalia and her friend in the back corner, I went to the opposite side of the room.

"Now that we've all made it to class," the teacher gave me a grim look, "let's begin at the barre."

Seeing Natalia take the barre by the window, I chose to take the other one. I wasn't prepared for the awkward conversation that was sure to occur.

After thirty minutes of pliés, tondues, and dégagés, Madame Dampier instructed us to join our partners. When I saw Natalia walking my way, I was forced to reflect on the night before.

Being near Natalia made me feel things I'd never felt before. Of course, I wasn't going to let her see that side of me. Yet. I knew it was a dick move, leaving her last night after I dropped her, but the feeling I got from kissing her was alarming. I wasn't supposed to get that feeling when kissing someone other than Aubrey. The guilt I should have felt was nonexistent, and that alone made Copyright 2016 - 2024