Ain't She Sweet (Seven Brides for Seven Mothers #2) - Whitney Dineen Page 0,82

preparing to join her.

“No, thanks. A couple of miles of thinking will help clear my brain.” Ruby turns to Billy, “I wouldn’t mind borrowing a sweater, though.”

He gets up and opens a closet door. He pulls out a puffy down jacket and hands it to her. “It’s water repellent, so it’ll keep you dry if it rains.”

Ruby slides into it before saying, “You two have a nice evening. I’ll catch up with you sometime in the morning.”

“Okay, I’ll stay here and wait for the kids. Let me know if you need me up at the lodge,” Gwen says.

“Tara’s going to be fine,” Ruby assures her new friend. “But, if something comes up, I’ll make sure you know.”

After Ruby leaves, Gwen suggests, “How about if I help you with dinner? I can devein the shrimp or chop onions or something.”

“I took care of all the prep work this morning after doing the shopping. Why don’t you come and sit by the fire with me for a bit?”

A thrill of anticipation causes goose bumps to pop up on Gwen’s arms. “That would be nice.” She follows him over to the love seat situated in front of the fire.

Billy pulls an afghan off the back of the couch and snuggles in next to her. “This is my idea of a perfect evening,” he says.

Gwen looks into his eyes and lets herself be drawn in. Then she leans in and gently places her lips on his. “It is the perfect evening. I’m glad I met you Billy Grimps. I think you’re a remarkable man.”

Billy puts his arm around her shoulder. “You make me feel alive, Gwen. I don’t want to scare you by saying this, but I hope you plan on staying in Spartan for a very long time.”

“I think I just might.” Leaning her head against his shoulder, she adds, “I’m starting to see the perks of living here.”


The Best Places I’ve Traveled

Staying in a thatched bungalow in the ocean in Bora Bora. I particularly loved the glass floor showcasing the crystal blue lagoon below

The Ko'a Kea in Kauai. Romaine proposed to me over a long weekend there. The whole trip was magical. I felt like anything was possible.

Hang gliding in the Interlaken District of Switzerland. My instructor forced me to eat a Swiss chocolate bar in its entirety, claiming it was the only way to fully appreciate the full Swiss experience. I’m not sure what one thing had to do with the other, but I did it. While the hang gliding was a lot of fun, it was the chocolate that really sold the experience.

The Worst Places I’ve Traveled To

Anywhere Cash Cartwright and I had to go together for work

“What are you doing here?” I ask Claire. As if life hasn’t been strange enough lately.

“I’m here for Romaine’s wedding,” she answers.

“His what?!” They’re the only words I can get out before my throat constricts to the point of pain.

“Cash convinced Romaine they should get married the same weekend you and he were going to.”

“Cash Cartwright? Does he love her?” I ask, forcing the words past the lump in my throat. I’d heard they started dating, but I would have never guessed things had gotten serious so quickly.

“I don’t know if he loves her. If you ask me, she’s about the most unlovable person on the planet. But after you left, she swooped in and took over Romaine’s life. She brought him soup, she listened to him talk about you, she acted like she was his best friend in the world for two months. Then she changed the game.”

“I thought Romaine’s sister was named Lutèce?” James interrupts.

Claire turns around and says, “Lutèce is our sister. Who are you?”

“I’m James, Tara’s boyfriend,” he answers.

“My pretend boyfriend,” I hurry to clarify before telling her, “A reporter from the Tattler followed my mom here. I decided it would be better to talk to Rachel in hopes she’d write about how boring my life is so people will lose interest in me. James was nice enough to help me out.” I don’t look directly at him because I know he’s probably hurt by my words. There’s just too much turmoil right now for me to think about dating for real.

A wave of nausea washes over me as I realize the current truth of my situation. “The press will never leave me alone now. Not after Romaine gets married here. Oh my god, and I’m supposed to be making their cake! Why would he do this to me?” Copyright 2016 - 2024