Ain't She Sweet (Seven Brides for Seven Mothers #2) - Whitney Dineen Page 0,18

are some pretty serious words.”

“Jeff talked a lot about his dad this summer at work. He’s not pleased with him.”

“So, you think he’d be okay with my showing Damian the door?”

I nod my head slowly. I don’t want to betray Jeff’s confidence, but Cheryl needs to know she’s not doing herself or her kids any favors letting her husband walk back into their lives like he hasn’t royally hurt them. And that was before there was a baby on the way.

Cheryl takes my hand and gives it a hard squeeze. “Thank you, James. I’m glad you came in today. Now get going and make supper for the lucky lady you bought dinner for.” She shoos me toward the door.

“I didn’t buy dinner for anyone. I’m making myself a stir fry when I get home.”

“The wine isn’t for you,” she says knowingly.

“Well, no, the wine is for someone else.” I can feel the heat of a flush rush to my head.

“Fix her dinner, too. Show her the kind of man you really are, James Cavanaugh. A nice, sweet, caring man. Someone she wants to hang on to.”

I wave to Cheryl as I walk out the door. I’m not on my way for a date like she thinks I am, but all the same, I suppose there’s no reason I can’t offer to make Tara supper.

Chapter Nine


Gwen leans against her mailbox and chats with her next-door neighbor, Sheila. “I just need you to stop by a couple times during the week to make sure the watering system isn’t flooding my window boxes. Although you might want to turn a hose on any reporters who show up.”

“I saw you throwing eggs at them the other day. I could do that too, if you want,” Sheila offers with a hopeful expression.

“Only if you have rotten eggs.”

“Do you want me to get your mail?” Sheila asks, while her eyes nervously follow a shadow moving behind the magnolia tree farther down the curb.

Bending over to pick up a lemon that fell off her Meyer lemon tree, Gwen flings it in the direction of the intruder, while saying, “I’m sorry about all this disruption. You’d think they’d have given up by now.”

Resisting an urge to pick up one of the smaller landscaping rocks and hurling that too, she adds, “I’m stopping the mail, so you don’t need to worry about that. But would you mind picking up any boxes that get delivered? You can just put them on the back porch.”

“Sure. Have a lovely time in Oregon and don’t worry about a thing here. Hopefully, those pests will finally leave you alone.” Gwen raises her voice, ostensibly to let the lurker know how unwelcome he is.


Reasons I’ve Always Wanted a Dog

I harbor the very human need to be loved unconditionally.

I like to cuddle something that isn’t trying to get in my pants. When I’m asleep, the only time I’d welcome being woken up is if the house were on fire. And even then, only half the time.

I don’t think people should have children unless they practice on an animal first. Fish, turtles, lizards, etc. don’t count.

When I was little I used to dream about having a dog named Penny. I always loved the saying, “Find a penny, pick it up, and all day long you’ll have good luck.” And after my grandmother died, I found “pennies from heaven” everywhere I went for almost a year. Penny is the perfect name for a dog.

Did I mention the cuddling?

I open the front door of my house to let James in. I whisper, “Penny’s still passed out. The poor thing must have had a really hard time.”

“Penny?” he sounds surprised that I’ve named the puppy, but I couldn’t help myself. She looks like a Penny to me.

“I‘ve wanted a dog ever since I was a kid,” I confess.

“You can have a dog now.” He lifts up a bag full of puppy chow. “Her first bag of food is on me.”

“I can’t have a puppy,” I tell him. “I work too much to be able to take care of her properly.”

“You could hire a dog walker while you’re out.”

As much as I’d love to have a furry friend, it wouldn’t be fair to her. I change the subject as soon as I see the grocery bag he’s carrying. “What all did you buy?”

“I felt like a stir fry for dinner. I thought you might enjoy that as well.”

“You’re going to cook for me?” While I love the idea of eating something Copyright 2016 - 2024