Against the Edge (The Raines of Wind Can - By Kat Martin Page 0,67

to give him shelter. Nothing looked promising.

Late in the afternoon, Ben phoned Detective Bruce Holloway in El Paso for an update. Holloway was a born-and-bred Texan. He understood family, and he was determined to help Ben find his son. On top of that, he was a former marine.


“Ben Slocum. Anything new on Hutchins or Bridger?”

“Sorry, Ben, not so far.”

“You talk to his friends? Girlfriends? Anyone who might know where to find him?”

“We’ve been doin’ our job, if that’s what you’re askin’. The guy was a lone wolf. No close friends, no lady friends. His neighbors haven’t seen him since the night of the shooting. It’s a good bet he’s left the city. I’d say there’s a fifty-fifty chance he’s with your man, Bridger.”

“Yeah, that’s what I figure, too. Keep me posted, will you?”

“You got it.”

As the call ended, Ben ran a hand through his hair. His side was aching, and he was more tired than he should have been. “I think Trace knows somebody with the San Antonio P.D. I’ll ask him to call, press them a little, see if they can dig around, locate anyone Hutchins might know.”

The next time he looked at the clock on the wall, it was nearly 8:00 p.m. Twelve long hours and they had nothing.

“It’s getting late. Why don’t you go on home, Sol, get some sleep. You can start fresh in the morning.”

“So we’re going home?” Claire asked.

His gaze swung to hers. Until last night, those words wouldn’t have bothered him. Now they made him uneasy. It wasn’t much of a stretch to imagine Claire living in his house, spending her nights in his bed. That kind of thinking was the last thing he wanted.

He just nodded. “We’re leaving for Louisiana in the morning. We’ll need to get an early start.”

She gave him a weary smile. She was as tired as he, and suddenly he felt guilty. No one he knew, man nor woman, had ever been more committed than Claire. She had been there for him when he needed her. She still was. Claire had never failed him.

But sooner or later he was going to fail her.

The notion bothered him all the way home.

* * *

Claire was exhausted, but it was Ben who worried her. His face was pale from the strain of working so hard all day, add to that the frustration of being no closer than they were before.

Ben ordered in pizza and they ate mostly in silence. As she cleaned up and put the plates and glasses in the dishwasher, her tension began to build. She wasn’t sure what Ben expected. Last night had been amazing, but as before, neither of them had mentioned it. Did he want her to sleep with him again tonight? Was he expecting to have sex?

Or had he gotten his fill?

Was another night of intimacy what she wanted?

She knew it was, but not unless Ben wanted it, too.

“I’m going to take a shower and go to bed,” she said without looking at him, afraid what she would see in his eyes. He’d been distant since they’d left the office, uncertain, perhaps, just as she was, where their relationship was going from here.

Claire headed down the hall to the guest bedroom she’d occupied since her arrival, stripped off her clothes and pulled on the terry-cloth robe she’d bought on her shopping venture, then headed for the bathroom at the end of the hall. She walked out ten minutes later, her hair swept up in a towel, her skin still damp.

In the bedroom, she discarded the towel and shook out her hair, slipped on her teddy-bear nightshirt. As she drew back the covers on the queen-size bed, a soft knock sounded at the door.

It had to be Ben and her pulse kicked up. When she opened the door, he stood in the hallway, freshly showered, his black hair still damp, looking more handsome than any man had a right to.

“I told myself to leave you alone,” he said. “Better to keep a little distance. Safer for both of us. But it isn’t what I want.” His eyes remained on her face. “Come to bed with me, Claire.”

Something sweet and warm slipped through her. “It’s going to be a long day tomorrow. You need your rest. Are you sure?”

He drew her into his arms and just held her. “I’m sure.” Then he bent his head and settled his mouth over hers in a soft, sweet, undemanding kiss. Ben took her hand and led her down the hall Copyright 2016 - 2024