Against the Edge (The Raines of Wind Can - By Kat Martin Page 0,64

the bed.

“We have...have to be careful of your side,” she said breathlessly, and he kissed her fiercely once more.

Kneeling, she helped him out of his dress shoes and socks. He wore only his slacks and briefs, and seconds later, those were gone. Drawing her back to her feet, he cupped her breasts, took the fullness into his mouth, suckled, brought the tips to hard little crests.

“I want to look at you.” Easing back a little, he let his gaze roam over the glossy dark hair spilling around her shoulders, her long legs and delicate curves, let her see in his eyes how much she pleased him.

“Leave the stockings on,” he said, taking charge, unable to resist any longer. “Get rid of the panties.” Deciding he liked them enough to save them from ruin, he watched her slide them down to her legs and step out of them. “Get up on the bed.”

His blood raced as she settled herself on the mattress, turning his erection to granite. He hoped his raging hard-on didn’t scare her again. “Part your legs for me, angel. I want to taste you.”

A nervous little whimper came from her throat. “I don’t think... I don’t think—” She gasped as he climbed up on the bed and wedged his shoulders between her thighs. She was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen, those pretty stockinged legs parted, her eyes wide and a little uncertain.

He kissed his way to the bare spot above the top of her hose, ran his tongue over the smooth pale skin above them. Finding her softness, he stroked her, began to nibble and taste her. Claire bucked against his mouth, curled her fingers into the bedspread as he continued his assault, driving her toward climax, arousing himself to the point of pain.

Outside the window, lightning flashed and the storm thundered. Just as his heart was thundering, slamming against his ribs. He brought her to the peak, watched her body convulse in passion, listened to her sweet cries of pleasure. It was heaven, and yet all he could think of was being inside her, taking what he wanted, what he so desperately needed.

As she began to spiral down, he came up over her, kissed her deeply, felt her arms twine around his neck.

“Ben...” she whispered, opening to him, taking him into her body, lifting her hips in welcome. He meant to go slow, but the hunger was clawing at him, vicious, relentless in its demand. His side ached as he drove harder, pounded into her with the fury of the storm, took her and took her, claiming her in some way, marking her as his.

Lust had him in its grip and yet it was more. Something primitive he didn’t understand. Something that frightened him more than lying wounded in the Philippine jungle, certain he was going to die.

It taunted him as he climbed higher, took her faster, deeper, harder.

It didn’t occur to him that he hadn’t used protection until Claire had reached another peak and he had joined her, spilling his hot seed into her womb.

* * *

Claire lay in bed, a soft smile on her lips. Whatever happened, she would never regret these intimate moments with Ben. His hand reached for hers, curled around her fingers.

“We’ve got a problem, angel. I’m really sorry, but I...umm...didn’t use protection. I meant to, but... Hell, I have no idea what happened. If a problem comes up—”

“It’s all right, I’m on the pill. I never stopped taking them after Michael and I broke up. I don’t know...maybe I thought there was a chance we’d get back together.”

Tension crept into his shoulders. “You don’t still feel that way.”

“No. It’s over between us. It was never really right in the first place.” She turned onto her side to look into his face. “You just got out of the hospital so we know you’re safe. And I’ve been checked, too.”

He nodded, seemed relieved. “Then from now on, we’re good to go.”

Her heart gave a little kick. “From now on?”

He ran a finger along her cheek. “I told you before, one night wouldn’t be enough. Apparently, two isn’t, either.” He leaned over and lightly brushed her lips. He was hard, she realized. Ready to go again.

“You need to get well. We have to think of Sam.”

He sighed heavily, rolled away from her onto his back. She had used an unfair tactic, but she had a hunch his wound was hurting like crazy. She thought of the scar she had seen on his lower Copyright 2016 - 2024