Against the Edge (The Raines of Wind Can - By Kat Martin Page 0,34

area south of the city. They were making good progress when Ben put on his turn signal and started moving into the right lane.

“Where are we going?” Claire asked, looking at the nav screen, which told them to continue traveling south.

“I saw a sign for a Holiday Inn at the next off-ramp. I’m leaving you there till I get back.”

Claire leaned over and turned off the clicking signal. “No way. I’m going with you.”

“Look, Claire, if Troy’s there with Sam, there’s no way to know what he might do.”

“That’s exactly why you need me.”

He shook his head. “Forget it.”

“I’ll wait in the car. If something happens, I’ll have the engine running and be ready to pick you and Sam up and get you out of there.”

He was still shaking his head, but she could tell he was weighing her argument.

“You need to think of Sam, Ben.”

The car shot past the turnoff. “I don’t like it. Not a damned bit. But you’re right—if there’s trouble, I might need you to help me get Sam out safely.”

They drove farther along the freeway, neither of them talking. After a few more miles, Ben pulled off the main highway onto a series of smaller roads that eventually led into neighborhoods less and less populated.

Though it was dark, a waning moon lit the sky, and Claire could see their surroundings fairly well. Eventually the houses became double-wide trailers on what looked like acre lots. The land was arid, sandy desert, cactus and scrub brush. Horses trod worn dirt paths in barren fenced-in pens next to the houses, and dogs barked and ran along beside the car.

The road was narrow and dusty, and as they drove farther along, the dogs disappeared in the distance behind the SUV. Spotting an address here and there, Ben slowed the vehicle. “It’s got to be coming up soon.”

Claire searched for a number. Spotted a couple, not the one they wanted. “I think it’s one of these two on the left, but I don’t see any numbers on the houses so I can’t be sure which one.”

Ben drove past the two double-wides, one maintained better than the other with a lawn in front. Lights were on in both houses. Claire caught a glimpse of movement behind the partially closed curtains in one of them, and heard music playing in the house with the lawn.

Ben didn’t stop the car, just rolled on down the road. Eventually he pulled over and turned around, waited awhile, then drove back the way they came.

Claire’s heart was pounding now, and it wasn’t from sexual awareness. If Troy was in one of the houses with Sam, the boy could get hurt. Or Ben. The man might seem invincible, but he wasn’t Superman and he couldn’t stop a bullet.

Parking the car in the darkness about a quarter of a mile from the houses, he turned off the engine. He took his pistol out of the center console, clipped it behind his back, then popped open the plastic case on the overhead light and took out the bulb.

“Come around and get in the driver’s side.” He handed her the keys, got out of the car and held the door while she hurried to the driver’s side, got in and moved up the seat.

“If you hear gunshots, keep low and don’t wait more than a couple of minutes. If you don’t see me, just start the engine and get the hell out of here. If someone tries to get in the car, or you think something’s gone wrong, start the car and just keep going.”

Her heart was racing. “What...what about you?”

“We don’t know who’s in the house. We don’t know what might happen if Troy thinks he’s cornered. I don’t want anyone coming after you. If Sam’s there, I’m getting him out. If something happens and you and I have to split up, I’ll meet you at that Holiday Inn we passed on the highway.”

She could barely force out the words. “All right.” When he started to leave, she reached out and caught his arm. “I don’t want you to worry about me. Just go after Sam.”

He started to close the car door, pulled it open instead, leaned in and gave her a quick hard kiss. “I’ll be back. With luck, Sam will be with me.”

Claire tasted him on her lips, realized they were trembling. “Be careful.”

Ben closed the car door.


Ben made his way around to the rear of the houses, which were fairly far apart. A couple of horses Copyright 2016 - 2024