Before & After - Nazarea Andrews Page 0,5

long? I bite hard on my lip. “How long have I been here?”

“I think you should let me call the doctor.”

“Why can’t I remember anything?” I whisper, and tears sting my eyes. I blink hard and sniffle. He’s staring at me, his face tight and remote, and I want him gone, suddenly. I want just a minute, to break down in private. Away from this stranger with his tattoos and eyes that see too much.

“Can you call the doctor? And maybe give me a minute?”

He inhales sharply, and I feel a flare of guilt, inexplicably. Then he nods, and steps away from my bed. “Of course. Give me a few minutes to find him. If you need anything—”

“I’ll call,” I say, and he nods.

I don’t know who he is. Why he’s here. Why he looks so strangely hurt by my behavior.

“Do I know you?” I ask, hesitantly.

His whole body seems to tense, and I want to reach out and touch him, to soothe the tight lines of his shoulders.

A tattoo is licking up his neck, a bird in flames, just visible over the collar of his scrubs.

“I’ll be back with the doctor,” he says hoarsely.

And then he’s gone, and any answers he might have are gone with him.

It stings a little. Like I should know him, or why he was here—and I don’t.

Why the hell am I a hospital in Austin? Why aren’t my parents here?

Every memory I reach for is blank. A space where something should be. It’s like who I am has vanished. The doctor is a Haitian man with skin the color of midnight and a wide smile. And an accent so thick I almost can’t understand him as he explains.

The nurse—not Tattooed Blue Eyes—gives me a notebook, and when the doctor leaves again to find my MRI scans, I write what I know.

I was brought in from a car crash two weeks ago.

I had traumatic brain injury, causing memory loss.

Apparently, I was drunk before the accident and that didn’t help my mental functions at all.

The girl with me is still in critical condition.

Her license says she is Lindsay Illian and I am Peyton Collins.

The driver died.

I live in Austin.

It’s not nearly enough for me to work with—to build a life on. But it’s all I’ve got, so it’s going to have to do. What bothers me isn’t that I can’t remember. It’s that I’m alone here.

What the hell kind of life was I living, that I am so fucking alone?

The door opens, and Tattooed Blue Eyes enters with a paper bag. He eyes me for a minute, and I stare back silently.

A tiny grin turns his lips, and he comes deeper into the room and sits in a chair near my bed.

“Knock knock,” he says, and waits, staring at me.

I frown, “Who’s there?”


“Hatch who?” I ask, my tone sharp and annoyed.

The grin blossoms into a full smile, “Cover your mouth when you sneeze!”

I giggle and shake my head. “That’s really bad, Blue Eyes.”

His grin falters for just a second, and then he shrugs. “But you laughed. Now. Are you hungry?”

I don’t respond, and he doesn’t seem to care, going to work pulling out a plate of fried rice and chicken with vegetables and spreading it all out on the table. He moves easily, almost ignoring me, but I can feel the tiny glances he darts at me.

“What are you doing?” I ask, when the plate is in my hands and he’s back in his chair. The sleeves of his thermal have been shoved up, and I see stairs crisscrossing up his arm, and a brightly colored fish on his other, twisting through weeds and flowers.

“I’m eating dinner with you,” he says. Pauses. “Do you want me to go?”

That possibility looms in front of me. All night, alone in this room, and nothing. No memories or knowledge to keep me company.

The thought is terrifying and I shake my head. Because whoever he is, he’s a distraction. Someone to keep my mind off the emptiness.

“No,” I whisper. “Please stay.”

Chapter 3: Before

Scotty is strumming on his guitar, but without any real point or purpose, and it’s grating on my nerves. I scrub a hand over my head, and breathe a curse. He misses a note and I glare across the room at him.

“Cut that shit out, would you?”

“Why are you fucking nervous?” he demands. “It’s just a chick. Hit it, and let it go. Get it out of your fucking system.”

I snort. “Because that’s worked so well for the Copyright 2016 - 2024