After Happily Ever Afte- Astrid Ohletz Page 0,82

exceptional, award-winning journalist. She is kind, honest, amusing, and beautiful. Madeleine is a remarkable woman whom I love and wish to have in my life forever. That’s all there is to say. The end.”

Holy shit. Maddie grabbed her phone, dialled Elena, and croaked out one word. “Why?”

“Ah, you’ve seen it.”

“You didn’t say a word! And what happened to you not commenting?”

“I didn’t tell you because you might talk me out of it. And I did it because it occurred to me that whatever you’d write would all be about making me sound good. It wouldn’t enter your head to correct the record on you, would it? Having read your piece, I was right.”


“So I decided to correct the error.” Elena’s amusement was evident. “Meanwhile, my board issued a statement this morning backing me, condemning Lecoq’s smears, and pointing out Bartell Corp’s stellar success.”

“How does that feel?” Maddie asked quietly. She knew this was what Elena secretly feared: Making a mistake that could see her empire ripped from her. It made sense, since it had happened before. Lecoq had stolen Elena’s promised editorship when they’d both worked at CQ. Overnight, her career had ended.

“It feels…acceptable.” Background voices murmured and then Elena spoke again. “I was in a meeting with Perry and Felicity when you rang. They’re being very complimentary about your article.” She sighed. “Really Madeleine, did you have to make me sound nice?”

“You are nice!”

“Many would dispute that.”

More disjointed talking. “Felicity has asked me to convey to you that your article was accurate, nuanced, beautiful, and you should stop being smug.”

“What makes her think I’m being—”

“She is quite sure you are.” Elena chuckled. “I’ve shooed them out now. Madeleine, I want to say that Felicity wasn’t wrong. What you wrote was beautiful. I’m constantly amazed you see me that way.”

“Elena, it’s the truth.”

“To you.”

“Is there any other kind? And you can talk! You told the whole world you want me in your life forever.”

“I was merely being accurate.” Elena sniffed for effect. “I’m a big believer in truth in publishing.”

Maddie laughed. “Forever’s a long time. You should probably put a ring on it.”

There was a silence as they both digested Maddie’s startling comment.

“Oh…” Maddie faded out. Fuck. “I mean…”

“Did you mean that?” Elena asked softly. “You’d be amenable to…you wish to be proposed to?”

Oh, hell yes. “Yeah?” Maddie groaned at herself. “Only, can we not do this over the phone? Because I’ve seriously just made this the worst proposal hint ever.”

“Understood.” Elena sounded delighted. “We will…table this discussion.”

Only Elena could make a future wedding proposal sound like an agenda item.

Maddie laughed. “Sure, yep, table that sucker.” Her phone pinged. “Ooh, someone’s sent me a link to Lecoq’s statement about our US Review article.” She fell silent as she read. “She says she was taken out of context and didn’t out anyone. That’s such bull. You’re the only media mogul with a round office and a helipad.”

“Don’t forget the only media mogul with a hot, young lesbian lover.” Elena chuckled.

“You’re in a weirdly good mood. I thought you’d be skittish today with everyone knowing your business. What’s up?”

“Well, aside from being almost proposed to…” Elena’s voice dripped with amusement.

Geez. Maddie would never live this down.

“…the CQ drama hasn’t quite finished. Give it another, hmm, nine or so weeks. It depends on how competent Felicity and Tom are.”

“Elena Bartell, what are you up to?”

“You’ll see.” Her voice was all purr.

Elena strode into CQ’s gleaming office as if she owned it. Of course now that that was actually true—as of an hour ago—it did make the saying all the more delicious.

Bartell Corp had snapped up the freefalling shares at CQ. Her management team had done some fast footwork with key CQ board members to smooth takeover proceedings. And, now, here she stood, with a fifty-one percent stake in CQ Magazine.

Heads snapped around as she passed, curiosity burning. Staff had no clue yet. The news would break within the hour.

The managing director playing escort pointed out a corner office. “That’s Ms Lecoq’s. As per your instructions, she has not been, er, kept in the loop about any of this. I’ll gather the staff for your meeting afterwards.” He strode off.

Elena entered the office filled with shiny trinkets, pop art, framed covers, and appalling yellow and blue decor.

Lecoq’s head shot up, suspicion coating her features. “What the hell? You can’t just barge in here.”

Ignoring her, Elena strolled the room.

“Look, about the article,” Lecoq said cautiously, “I may have…misspoke. It was a throwaway line. Suddenly there’re Copyright 2016 - 2024