After Happily Ever Afte- Astrid Ohletz Page 0,71

little late.”

“That’s okay.” Kim withdrew a twenty-dollar bill from her pocket and offered it to Chris. “I appreciate your help.”

Laughing, he waved off the money. “I was just kidding earlier. You don’t have to pay for my meal.”

“I don’t mind. You’re really helping me out. I know you’re not fond of covering the ER.” Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t have asked him, but she needed to get home before Jess and she could only do that if someone covered the ER for her.

“I promise to be on my best behavior.”

Kim flushed. “I didn’t mean anything—”

“Relax, Kim. It’s fine. We both know I’m not a big fan of the ER, but it has gotten a lot better since you’ve been down there full-time. I wouldn’t have agreed if I didn’t want to do it.” He cocked his head at Kim and grinned. “Want to tell me what the big secret is?”

A flash of panic struck. How does he know I’ve got a secret? Could Jess know too? She forced herself to meet his gaze. Get a hold of yourself. He can’t possibly know anything. “Nothing secret about it. I just need to take care of some things.” Kim silently cursed the stress modulation of her voice.

“Right. You just happen to need me to cover for you on Valentine’s Day.” He pointed to the pen in her hand. “You’ve been tapping that pen since I sat down. And don’t think I didn’t notice you covering that note when I walked up.”

Kim jumped when his hand stilled her bouncing knee. A blush heated her face. Damn. Now I know how Sam feels. Psychiatrists are just too observant. She had been completely unaware of the body movement.

“You’re practically vibrating with repressed emotion.” He wagged a finger at her and chuckled. “Careful, Doctor. Your ‘tells’ are showing.”

Kim’s gaze darted to the tables closest to them. If someone had overheard Chris… When he placed his hand on her forearm, she jumped.

“No one heard me. Sorry. It’s so unusual to see you flustered, I couldn’t resist teasing you. Normally it’s hard to pick up anything from you that you don’t want someone to see.” He gave her arm a squeeze, then retreated. “Whatever you’re doing, I hope it works out like you want.”

“Thanks, Chris.”

Using the doorway for cover, Kim scoped out the nurses’ station. No sign of Jess. She squinted, trying to read the two-sided intake board hanging above the far counter. If she could make out Jess’s name, she would know if she was busy in a room or not. No such luck. She was just too far away to read the board.

Kim had intentionally left her coat and purse locked in her trunk this morning. All she needed to do was leave Jess’s note with Penny and get out of there before Jess saw her. She had thought of putting the note on Jess’s desk, but there was too big a chance Jess might not see it.

Keeping her eyes peeled for Jess, she made her way toward Penny, who was staffing the desk. “Hey, Penny. Could you do me a favor, please?”

“Oh. Hey, Dr. Donovan. I’ve been looking for you.”

Oh, no. Not today. Kim sighed. Patients come first, no matter how bad you want to get out of here. “What’s up?”

“Dr. McKenna asked me to give this to you before she left.” Penny held out a plain white envelope with Kim’s name written on the front in Jess’s bold script.

What? Jess left? Where would she go?

“Dr. Donovan?” Penny was still holding out the envelope.

“Sorry. Thanks,” she said as she took the note. Her curiosity was killing her, but she needed to take care of business first. “Before I forget, I’m leaving as well. Dr. Roberts will be covering the rest of my shift. Make sure everyone knows, please.”

“Sure, Dr. Donovan.” Penny eyed the envelope. “I guess with you both leaving early you must have some special Valentine’s Day plans.”

Kim gave a noncommittal shrug. Some information about their personal life being known at work was unavoidable since they worked together every day. But they made a point of never giving out any details of their private time together. Although when Jess accepts your ring, that’s going to be kind of hard to hide.

Unable to wait any longer, Kim tore open the envelope Jess had left for her. She pulled out the single sheet of paper and started to unfold it.

Penny, not so subtly, leaned on the counter.

Kim raised an eyebrow in her direction.

Penny’s cheeks pinked. She Copyright 2016 - 2024