Aeromancist, The Beginning (SECOND EDITION) - Charmaine Pauls Page 0,74


“Maya’s working on the taps we’ve put on Richardson’s iPad and computer.” Joss scratched his head. “If there’s anything to be found, she’ll find it.” He left his glass on the bar counter. “I’m going to check the perimeter alarms. How soon can we head back?”

Lann looked at Kat. “Not before tomorrow. She’s exhausted.”

“I’m fine.”

Both men ignored her.

“You’re taking care of dinner,” Joss said.

When he left the room, she took Lann’s hand. “I hate it when you act as if I’m not here.”

“I know you’re here.” He took her wedding ring from his pocket and slipped it back onto her finger. “What would you like for dinner?”

“What do we have?”

“I’ll get you whatever you want.”

She thought for a while. “I don’t really care, as long as I can have some brioche.”

Lann grinned. “Apparently my son likes French pastry.” He chuckled. “Traitor.” The frosty yellow of his eyes turned warmer. “Before I take care of dinner, I’d like to take care of something else.”

She gasped, looking over his shoulder down the hallway. “We’re not alone.”

His smile was devilish. “Don’t worry. The rooms are soundproof.”

They made it back to Josselin Castle the following morning. Joss instructed Bono to stay on site in case they needed a quicker means of transport for the investigations.

Upon arrival, Clelia ushered them into the library where she and Maya had been working.

“We can’t find a trail to any newspaper or anyone involved with any paper in Richardson’s communication history, neither telephonic, nor electronic,” Clelia said. She turned to Joss. “How did it go on your end? Did you ask Cain about accessing Kat’s records?”

“Yes,” Joss said, “I called him straight after.”

“What did he say?”

Joss wiped a hand over his face. “Someone used his security code.”

“Shit.” Maya got to her feet behind the desk. “That’s serious. Does he know who it was?”

“No. Someone must have hacked into the system and stolen the code.”

“I’ll look into it,” Maya offered. “Did Cain take the necessary precautions to prevent this from happening again?”

“He’s already changed all the codes and had a new firewall programmed.”

“So, it’s another dead-end street?” Clelia asked, her tone despondent.

Joss sighed. “I’m afraid so.”

“What about the bursary?” Lann asked.

“I’m still looking into it.” Maya took a piece of paper from the desk and handed it to Lann. “Whoever the sponsor is, he made a good job of erasing his tracks, but I still have another card or two up my sleeve. There’s a hacker who owes me a favor.”

“Do what you can,” Joss said. “In the meantime, we’ve got to stay sharp where security is concerned. We don’t want Godfrey to find a crack in our system through which one of his hunters can crawl. Clelia, you’re in charge of compiling a list of all national and international media. We’ll tackle them from the largest to the smallest, seeing if we can pick up a trail to Richardson via that route.”

“How are we for time?” Maya asked.

“There are no missions for the moment.” Joss looked at Kat. “Getting answers are our main priority.”

Kat was glad he didn’t say saving her. She didn’t want to think about dying anymore. Lann’s hand on her back pulled her attention to him.

“We have an appointment with Eve,” he reminded her gently.

It wasn’t what she wanted right now, but it had to be done. “Let’s go.”

In the examination room, Eve made Kat lie down on the reclining chair and took a blood sample. “Are you ready for the scan?”


While Eve prepared the probe and squirted gel onto Kat’s belly, Lann said, “Clelia found you a midwife, Katherine.”

She looked at him in surprise. “A midwife? Do I need one? I thought Eve would deliver the baby.”

“It’s not just about the actual birth,” Eve said. “You have to prepare for it. There are exercises you and Lann could do that will help when the time comes for Thomas to be born. You also need to be mentally prepared for what to expect.”

Kat took Lann’s hand. “You will be there, Eve, won’t you?”

“Of course.” Eve gave her a reassuring smile. “The midwife is totally capable of helping you through the delivery if it passes without complications.” She shot Lann a quick look. “However, I will be there in the case of any unforeseen emergency.”

Kat swallowed. “Like what?”

“Well, there are things that can go wrong. Sometimes the baby doesn’t turn, or the umbilical cord is wound around the neck.” She laid her hand on Kat’s shoulder. “I don’t want to scare you with possibilities that may not Copyright 2016 - 2024