Aeromancist, The Beginning (SECOND EDITION) - Charmaine Pauls Page 0,54

a woman, feminine and delicate, awakening his need to protect, but she was his equal in strength and spirit. It was time to stop withholding from her.

Cain walked into the room, a smile on his face. “Good job, Clelia, Lann. Unfortunately, this doesn’t bring us closer to Godfrey.”

“David confirmed that Godfrey was his sponsor,” Lann said.

“David’s sponsor eliminated him before he could compromise his sponsor,” Cain said.

“How?” Clelia asked.

“Chemical capsule,” Cain said. “It detonated in his stomach.”

Joss stepped up. “David wasn’t wired or tracked by satellite. I made sure of it. That means Godfrey planted something inside David that gave him a live feed.”

“You mean he heard our conversation?” Clelia asked.

“Yes.” Cain crossed his hands over the diamond head of his cane. “David was unaware or he wouldn’t have spoken so freely. My guess is the sponsor did the implant while he experimented on David’s body.”

“Experiments?” Maya said. “We know about grafting him with werewolf, but that only required drinking blood and eating flesh.”

Kat shivered. Lann put his arm around her.

“David’s sponsor is trying to create the ultimate soldier,” Cain said, “something immune to every weapon we know. David enrolled voluntarily, believing it was going to make him immortal.”

“That ended well for him,” Maya said with a snort.

“Why not us?” Clelia asked. “Godfrey could’ve snatched us.”

“Seems he doesn’t have enough power in France,” Cain mused. “Otherwise, he would’ve used it.”

Lann looked at Joss. They all knew he was one of the most powerful men in France.

“At least we now know one more thing,” Cain said. “Godfrey’s power base is in the US.” He paused. “It won’t be restricted to that continent for long.”

“The communication companies?” Joss asked.

Cain nodded. “He’s looking for means to expand his power. Communication equals knowledge, and knowledge is power.”

“Then you’re sure it’s him buying up the satellite and internet companies,” Maya said.

Cain lifted a brow. “It’s a hunch.”

“What now?” Maya asked.

“Our lead’s dead,” Cain said. “Now we sit back and wait for Godfrey to make the next move.”

Joss seemed concerned. “It may take time.”

“Like in any good game of chess.”

At least they had one hunter less to worry about, not that it made Lann feel much better. Godfrey could still send someone new after Kat.

“Enough for now,” Cain said. “I’m going to check if new info came in.”

Clelia got to her feet. “I’m going to wash the Piranha stench off of me.”

Joss followed suite. “We’ll serve dinner in thirty minutes for those who’d like to join us.”

Lann took Kat’s hand and pulled her aside. Her skin was cold to the touch. “Have you had more attacks?”

“Some,” she said evasively.

She was holding back from him. “How many?”

She looked away.

“Katherine, look at me.” When she did, he said, “I haven’t always been open with you, but it’s going to stop right now. We’re going to stop protecting each other.”

She stared at him with surprise.

“Tell me again,” he said. “This time, the truth.”

“I’ve had three attacks, but they’re less intense. Eve says they’ll end soon, after the first trimester.”

“Good girl.” He kissed her lips. “Let’s go upstairs. I need a shower too.”

In their room, he took her into his arms and whispered in her ear, “I missed you.”

“I know you’re angry about me cutting in on the communication system. It’s not Joss’s fault. I practically threatened him with his life.”

Lann smiled at that. Nobody threatened Joss, not unless he allowed it. He pulled Kat down onto the sofa next to him.

“There are things about me I didn’t want you to see.” He stroked her hair. “I was hoping you’d never have to experience that part of me.”

“Why?” She took his hand. “Did you think I’d love you any less?”

“Maybe. Maybe I just wanted to save you the horror of the truth.”

“I love you.” She squeezed his fingers. “You’re a good man. You’re fighting for what you believe in, and we believe in the same things.”

“Do we?”

“We believe in the future of our child, don’t we? We want the world to be a better place for him.”

“I want to make it a better place for you.” He bent down to kiss her. When she rubbed her body against his, all he could do to hold onto reason was push her away gently. “Let me clean up, and then we’ll continue this.”

Early the next morning, Eve knocked and called softly at their door. Leaving Kat to sleep, Lann got up from bed and pulled on the pants he’d discarded on a chair the night before. The memory of their lovemaking made Copyright 2016 - 2024