Adept (The Essence Gate War, Book 1) - By Michael Arnquist Page 0,233

the dislike of magic felt by the Sil’ath as well as the danger of something else pursuing it and meaning us harm, so it hid from both. As you already know, Valkarr, that Sil’ath warrior was your father.”

He paused, waiting for a reaction. Valkarr regarded him steadily, without expression, and then asked, “And what have you concluded from these revealed truths?”

Amric swallowed and shook his head. “It was all based on a lie,” he whispered. “Your family took me in because my magic compelled them to do so. The Sil’ath abhor the use of magic, and I hid that very thing in your midst. I have magic––I am magic––and I understand now that I can no more separate that part of me than I can put aside my own mind.” Amric’s voice grew hard, bitter. “Would your father have saved the life of some human infant if he had known what he was bringing into the fold? Would you all have accepted me as one of your own, as a Sil’ath warrior? Would you have made me your warmaster, and followed me into battle?”

His wilding magic stirred within, uneasy in the face of his cold anger, but he ignored it.

“No,” Valkarr admitted. “None of these things would have come to pass, had your true nature been known then.”

“Exactly, and that is why––”

“And that is why I am glad we did not know,” Valkarr interrupted.

Amric’s words tumbled to a halt. “What?”

Valkarr grinned. “I agree with you that we would have made different choices, had we known. However, in this case, we are better for the choices we did make, not knowing.”

“You cannot mean that,” Amric protested. “Think about the evidence, looking back on it now. You had a human warmaster, and closer ties with the people of Lyden than any other Sil’ath tribe permitted with outside races. You know that caused the other tribes to question your father’s judgment on more than a few occasions.”

“Indeed it did,” Valkarr responded with a grave nod. “And yet we prospered when other tribes did not. We had the trust and aid of our human neighbors, enjoyed active trade between our peoples, and we stood together when the troubles began from the north. Moreover, our success in battle was unmatched, even among much larger tribes. I maintain that we are better for the strengths you forged among us, and I remain proud to have called you both warmaster and friend.”

Amric stared at him. “How can I claim credit for anything I achieved, when it may have simply been the result of my magic influencing others on my behalf?”

“You, who worked hardest among us?” Sariel interjected with a silvery laugh. “Besides, you said yourself that your magic was hidden away all these years. Do you think it could have acted without you sensing it? Think on the effect it has had upon you since we came to this region.”

“And if it did,” Valkarr put in quietly, “what of it? As you said, it is a part of you. If your magic had a subtle hand in things now and again, it is not so different from Prakseth making use of his own great strength, or Varek relying upon his keen eye as a marksman.”

They fell silent for a long moment at the mention of their fallen comrades.

“I appreciate your words, my friends,” Amric said at last. “You cannot know how much they lift my heart. But we all know things cannot be as they once were. I can no longer be warmaster for our people.”

“That is…” Valkarr began, hesitating and then lowering his gaze, “probably for the best.”

Amric leaned forward and spoke with quiet vehemence. “You must be warmaster, Valkarr.”

The other’s eyes snapped up to find his. “Me?”

“My friend, there is no one better suited for the role. No one better able to guide our people through whatever dark days may come before the threat of the Nar’ath on this world is ended. The Nar’ath forces will not grow so swiftly, I think, without the activity caused by the Gate to feed upon. You must warn the Sil’ath and spread word of this lurking menace to the other races as well, before the Nar’ath find another source of power and become too strong to face.”

Valkarr’s eyes narrowed. “And you? Where will you be?”

Amric took a deep breath. “I must travel through the portal, to the home of the Adepts, and put an end to the threat of the Essence Gates.”

A stunned silence greeted his statement.

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