Adept (The Essence Gate War, Book 1) - By Michael Arnquist Page 0,195

her, tense and expectant. The ceaseless winds around him whipped at his clothes, almost lifting him from his feet in his eagerness to charge forward. Xenoth raised his fiery hands, advancing a step as he did so. The wicked, glinting tip of the arrow shifted a hair to follow. Thalya let out a slow breath, and her fingers tensed for the release.

A rumbling roar shook the ground. Thalya swayed, thrown off balance, and lowered her bow to avoid loosing a wild shot into the night. Her target staggered as well and cast about wildly for the source of this new disturbance.

The sand over the collapsed Nar’ath hive erupted less than thirty yards from Xenoth and Amric, and a billowing cloud climbed into the sable sky. With a shriek like metal tearing, the Nar’ath queen burst forth. Her claws left long furrows as she dragged her massive form free of its earthen prison. She was ragged and torn, and viscous green ichor seeped from her many wounds. Several of her appendages hung broken and useless, but she dropped into a menacing crouch on the remaining limbs. Her serpentine coils gathered behind her. The queen bared her fangs in a slavering hiss, and her gaze raked over the supine form of Amric to fix upon Xenoth.

“Another Adept!” she shouted. “So it was no idle threat after all.”

The huntress raised her bow and then hesitated. Which to target? And what good would it do to slay one when the other would then be their undoing? She muttered an oath and dropped down behind the low ridge again. Syth knelt beside her.

“What do we do now?” he breathed, his eyes scanning the scene beyond like a caged animal.

“We wait,” she whispered back, “and hope for the right opening.”

“What trick is this, wilding?” she heard Xenoth demand. “What manner of creature is this?”

“You are looking upon the fall of your kind, Adept,” the queen snarled in response. “We are the Nar’ath. We are your doom made flesh.”

Xenoth snorted. “From the look of things, you are only a pace or two from your own doom. If you truly know my kind, creature, you should know as well how easily I can send you the remaining distance. Begone, then! Enjoy what time remains to you and to this pitiful world.”

“Indeed, we know your kind, Adept,” the queen answered with a low, sibilant laugh. “You gave birth to us, all those centuries ago, and then tried to end us, but you failed. We have been preparing to face you again, ever since, on more even footing this time. We are nearly ready now, and it is not this world that interests us.”

“Do not trouble me with your riddles, creature,” Xenoth snapped. “Speak your meaning before I destroy you where you stand.”

The Nar’ath queen gave another ugly chuckle. “You will not find me such easy prey, Adept. Even now, my minions return at speed to defend or avenge me. They will wash over you like a tide. You cannot hope to slay them all.”

“I have no need to slay them all,” Xenoth said. “My business here will be concluded long before your forces arrive.” His voice rang with confidence, but Thalya noted that he threw a glance to either side, probing the darkness of the wastes.

“And then you think to return home, to your world, through the Essence Gate nestled amid the ancient ruins of Queln?” The Nar’ath queen’s harsh voice almost purred with satisfaction.

There was a long pause as the black-robed Adept stood, still and silent, regarding the monster swaying in a spider’s crouch before him. “You cannot use the Essence Gate,” he said at last.

The queen’s laugh was booming, triumphant. “I see that the colossal arrogance of the Adepts has not diminished in all this time!” She leaned forward, and her voice dropped to an almost intimate whisper that somehow still carried to Thalya’s ears. “We have already used the Gate, sweet enemy mine, and countless times at that.”

“Impossible. You are lying.”

“I would not hesitate to harm you with lies,” the Nar’ath queen sneered, “but when the truth will suffice, it is a much sharper weapon. Years ago the Essence Gate began to draw, ever so slightly, upon the energies of this world. My sisters and I were feeding upon the ley lines to restore our strength and to increase our numbers. We were proceeding with utmost caution, remaining well out of sight. The Gate drew tremendous power to it, swelling the lines as it drained the Copyright 2016 - 2024