Adept (The Essence Gate War, Book 1) - By Michael Arnquist Page 0,124

both remain in your rooms while we are gone. If you are out of sight, then we do not have to test whether Morland ever truly bothered to suspend the price on our heads, and he still has to worry about a stealthy blade prowling somewhere about his mansion.”

Valkarr grunted and rolled his eyes in a very human gesture, but finally nodded. Halthak gave his own reluctant agreement as well.

“What of me?” Syth asked.

“Morland may already know that you are with us, if he has been watching for your return,” Amric admitted. “You are welcome to accompany us to see the merchant, if you wish. He will no doubt be eager to determine if you brought anything he seeks in your return from Stronghold. Nonetheless, I am not your keeper, and you are also free to vanish.”

The thief pondered a moment before breaking into an impish grin. “I find myself wanting to be there when that shriveled mask he calls a face cracks with disappointment.”

“And I will come as well,” Thalya put in, with a cold sidelong look at Bellimar.

“No, you will not,” Amric said. Her head snapped toward him, green eyes flashing with outrage. Her lips twisted with the beginnings of an angry objection, but he cut through it in a tone that brooked no further argument. “I can say nothing as to the right or wrong of your vendetta with Bellimar, as I can only speak to how he has conducted himself in my presence. I can, however, choose not to allow your conflict to land in my lap at a time and place that could get us all killed. We are heading into a viper’s den where cool heads must prevail, and no good will come of inviting upon yourself the attention of a powerful and soulless man like Morland. You are not going.”

The two locked gazes for a long moment, but Amric did not waver, his grey eyes dispassionate under her withering glare. At last she sat back with a dark scowl directed alternately at the warrior and the old man.

“Cool heads, eh?” Bellimar remarked with a sly grin. “The heavens forbid we do anything in his presence to fan the flames of his wrath.”

Amric flushed, but his expression remained resolute. “Much as I despise the man and his disdain for the lives of others, one power-hungry lordling is too far down the list to concern ourselves with at the moment. He certainly has the means to interfere with our more important goals, however, so we should make every effort to avoid incurring any more of his ire than is strictly necessary. If all goes well, we will conclude our business with the man tonight and be rid of his involvement for good. Valkarr is recovering rapidly, and it is my hope that after two nights of rest here in the city we will be ready to depart again on the following morn. Any who wish to accompany us, meet us here at dawn of that day. Any who do not, I wish you well in your travels.”

Halthak’s brow furrowed. “Depart? To where?”

“To follow a suspicion,” Amric said. He sat back and took in their puzzled expressions. Only Bellimar straightened in his chair, eyes glittering with prognostication. The swordsman took a breath and continued. “As you know, we lost the trail of our Sil’ath friends at Stronghold. If Grelthus is to be believed, they were fighting their way from the fortress, likely wounded and weakened but still alive when last seen. I have been trying to reason where they would have gone if they did manage to win free, and what might have befallen them from there.”

“What makes you think they did not simply die there?” Thalya demanded.

Amric turned flint-hard eyes upon her. “They are Sil’ath,” he said. “We do not die easily.” At his side, Valkarr lifted his chin and hissed a note of assent.

The huntress raised an eyebrow but said nothing. He let out a breath, and the edge faded from his voice. “I know nothing for certain, but I have seen no evidence of their demise, and until I know their fate I must consider all avenues. These are some of the best warriors of a people born into battle, who have fought together since childhood. They may not have had the advantage of Halthak’s miraculous healing ability, but five such warriors can cross hostile terrain like so many ghosts. I will grant you that they might have fallen prey to the hideous Copyright 2016 - 2024