Addictive (Houston Defiance MC #2) - K.E. Osborn Page 0,98

the church…” he takes a deep breath, “… her blood mixed with Sava’s.”

Both their eyes widen so much I worry they might burst out of their heads, but it’s Zero I’m more concerned about. His face turns bright red as he shakes his head. “Why didn’t you fucking tell me?”

“Thought we’d give you the night to celebrat—”

“That’s not your call to mak—”

“Zero, it was my decision. This is hard enough to go through without having you going off about it. Can you just take it down a notch, please?” Prinie begs.

Cherry pulls her lips into a tight thin line as Zero sits back in his chair. He folds his arms over his chest like he’s mulling this over… hard. “You say you love her?” he directs toward Wraith.

“With everything I am.”

“You put your life on the line for her and my niece or nephew?”

“Every. Damn. Time.”

Zero stands suddenly from his chair sending a whistle through the main room. I tense as everyone looks our way. “Brothers, we got ourselves a new Old Lady. Our VP is making an honest woman of my bratty little sister. Princess is now the Second Lady of this club. Nessie, we need a property patch as soon as possible.”

“On it, pres!” Nessie calls back.

Zero grabs his drink raising it in the air. “To Prinie and Wraith!”

My club family all cheer, stomping their feet. Wraith clings to me, kissing my temple.

Finally, Zero’s on board, finally we have his blessing, and finally, I feel like I’m home. I might have viewed this club like it was the place that took a whole lot from me, but because of this club, I’m starting something brand new—bringing a life into to the world with the man I love and adore.

What more could I want than making my home a home for our family.

No matter what’s in store for us, no matter what these tests show, we will work through it together. Not just me and Wraith, but this entire club—my family. Because that’s what this clubhouse represents, and I understand that now.

It’s not about the losses and the pain you feel.

You can’t live in the past and wallow in regrets.

You have to fight for those you love, live every day to the fullest and embrace the moments you have because you never know when it could come crashing down. We know that all too well. The point is, not to let fear drown you. Live for what you have and cherish it. Enjoy every day with family by your side and at your back because that is what the club is all about.

That is what Houston is about, and I had forgotten that fact.

Well, I’ll never forget it again.

Houston is my home, and I’m never leaving again.


The Next Night

It’s been a long time coming, and it’s great to know things are going the club’s way for a change. I wrap my arm around Prinie, kissing her head as the club girls set up the room for Luc’s patching-in ceremony.

Cherry’s taken Luc and Ruby out on an errand. We’re all certain they’ll be suspicious something is amiss, but we want it to go smoothly for them.

Chills is rushing about like a madwoman making sure the decorations are placed everywhere they need to be, and Chains is ordering everyone around like he’s the damn president. For a couple of people who have been in this club for a short while, they sure have settled well. I have to remember this day is just as big for them as it is for Luc.

Their history with the prospect goes back further than I’m sure I know all the details of. I’d love to get into the nitty-gritty of Chains and Luc’s past. Of when they were kids growing up together in what sounded like a boys’ prison camp. The Sovereigns are disbanded now, but when Chains left Luc, there were years when the practically brothers were separated and living apart. Chains went into a foster family with Chills, but Luc stayed behind in the prison camp, ascending the ranks with his father. His intentions became tainted. When they met again years later, shit got heated between them, and all hell broke loose. It was Chills who brought them together in the end. She got through to Luc by stopping his vengeful mission.

She’s the glue that binds them.

Luc’s come a long way since being a Sovereign.

Actually, he helped bring them down.

Luc joined Chicago Defiance, then moved halfway across the country to stay with his Copyright 2016 - 2024