Addictive (Houston Defiance MC #2) - K.E. Osborn Page 0,94

the bed, her lips find mine, her tongue assaulting me as she kisses me with so much passion. My world finally feels like it is on the right path. Like everything I’ve gone through in my life has led me to this point where I have my Old Lady, and I know all the other shit will work itself out eventually.

As long as we have each other.

The Next Morning

For the first time in weeks I slept like a fucking log. Having Zero back and shit starting to calm down has put my mind at ease.

The Baron’s in custody.

Damir is in jail serving his term.

Sava and Vlatko are dead.

I have an Old Lady.

And I no longer have the full weight of the club on my shoulders.

Right now, everything is fucking good in my life.

As I lay on my back in bed while waiting for Prinie to come back from the bathroom, I can’t believe how fucking lucky I am to have her. How things could have worked out so differently for us, so many times over, and yet we still found our way to each other.

The door to the bathroom slowly creeps open like she’s avoiding coming out. I narrow my eyes on her as she steps out holding something.

“What you got there, princess?” I call out.

Her expression though is not upbeat like mine. In fact, she’s damn near petrified as she gingerly creeps over sitting on the edge of the bed.

I sit up trying to figure out why she looks like she’s seen a ghost in the bathroom. “Prinie?”

Her somber eyes meet mine, and I watch her bottom lip quivering. “I took this yesterday before we went to the hearing. Then with all the excitement I forgot to check it until I saw it this morning.”

“What are you talking about?”

She hands me something long and white.

I hold it in my hand, and my eyes widen as I take in the positive pregnancy test.

My eyes shoot up to hers. “Is this a joke?”

Her eyes flood with tears. “I was feeling off yesterday morning, and I’m late, so I thought I may as well check. So, I raided the emergency stash in the medical cupboard, then we were running late for the hearing, so I forgot about it, and…” she pauses needing to take a moment. Prinie lets out a long breath as I look at the test again showing two very clear pink lines.

My heart beat drums inside my chest as I try to keep my shit together. “I’m gonna be a dad?”

Tears stream down her beautiful face as my mind flashes forward.

I’m holding my newborn baby girl in my arms. She’s so tiny, her skin so soft I can hardly stand how fucking adorable she is. It fills me with warmth. All I want is to take care of our child as I drown in the perfection of my baby girl. I want to smother Prinie with the love and affection she deserves. I glance down at Prinie on the delivery table, she’s glowing she’s so perfect. There’s nothing in this fucking world that could tear us apart.

They say an addiction is like a nasty habit. The secret to permanently breaking any bad habit is to love something greater than that habit.

I will always love Prinie and our baby more than any need for my fading addiction.

I will always love them greater.

I reach out pulling Prinie to me while my lips spread wide across my face in delight.

“Are you smiling?”

“I can’t stop. I’m so fucking happy.”

“You are? I thought you’d be mad.”

“I can’t think of anything I want more in the world than to have a part of you and a part of me as something we share.”

Prinie wipes her face, then leans in kissing me. I kiss her back with as much enthusiasm as I can find, but then she suddenly pulls back. “Wait.” I furrow my brows. “The testing… what if it comes back positive? What does that mean for our baby?”

My hands begin to go clammy as my leg muscles tighten. I’ve only just received this miracle in my life, I can’t have it taken from me. “Okay, get dressed. We’re going to see Chills.”

We stand, quickly rushing around getting dressed, and head for the door, but I turn back racing to the bed to grab the positive test. “I don’t want this out of my sight.”

Prinie grabs my hand, and we head to Chills and Chains’ room.

I need to figure this shit out. Now!

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