Addictive (Houston Defiance MC #2) - K.E. Osborn Page 0,80

turn upward.

The sounds of his gasping breaths begin to fade as his writhing body weakens. He stops fighting me, my high depleting with his last gasp. I shake his neck for good measure as his eyes roll into the back of his head.

This was over too fast.

I know I shouldn’t have caved.

I gave into my addiction, but this is why I am the master of the Chamber. This is why I come down here, so I can let my addiction run wild. Let my hands do the talking.

Rekcuf’s body sags, the life completely drained from him, blood seeping from the corner of his eyes as I find the willpower to let go of his neck. In the meantime, the blood pissing out of his thigh I notice has gotten all over me as I stand back panting, trying to catch my own breath.

I need to rein myself in.

Find my calm.

Look at the picture on the wall—deep ocean blue—which was placed there by Zero.

A few deep breaths, and peace finds me once more.

My bare chest and jeans are covered in blood as I try to compose myself. Kevlar steps over, gently placing a hand on my bicep. I flinch but turn to see his concerned eyes on me. “You want us to clean up in here while you get the boys ready to ride?”

“Yeah,” I pant still out of breath. It’s astounding how much energy you use when you strangle someone to death.

I turn, walking over to the offset bathroom. I strip off, chucking my bloodstained clothes in the can for Kevlar to collect to throw in the pit when I’m done. As quickly as I can, I scrub the blood off my skin, then grab the spare set of clothes I leave down here for moments just like this.

Walking back out into the Chamber, the scraping of the metal chair being tipped back sends a shudder through me. Peering over my shoulder, Rekcuf’s being shoved into the oil pit, and Ax closes the lid but opens the venting system. Relief floods me when the flames ignite.

I turn back, heading for the stairs, traipsing up them to tell my brother’s we’re going to get my damn woman back.


Sitting in the pews, hands bound, surrounded by men covered head to toe in black gear makes me feel like I’m in some fucking James Bond spy movie. I don’t know who these men are, but this is obviously some kind of ransom attempt.

Why else would they take the princess of the club, right?

They knew who I was and even called me princess.

Two main men are standing at the altar. They seem to be in charge of whatever this is. Then their assassin men surround me, stopping me from going anywhere. It feels like they’re waiting for Wraith and my brothers from the club to show up. Or something. I’m not really sure what they’re waiting for, but I’m sick of waiting.

“Hey!” I call out to the younger of the two men standing at the altar.

He turns with a huff, then walks down the stairs and moves over sitting next to me. “Yes, Kharlie, what do you want?”

I scowl. “First of all, only incredibly special people get to call me Kharlie. You can call me Prinie, you got that?”

He chuckles. “Sure… Prinie.”

“And secondly, why the fuck am I here? What do you want with me?”

He rolls his shoulders looking at the older man. He nods obviously giving the go-ahead to tell me. “Name’s Sava.” He places his hand out for me to shake.

I don’t.

He smirks but continues, “We’ve taken you on demand from our Underboss, Damir. Vlatko over there is our Godfather—”

“What does that make you?”

“I’m the lieutenant. Third in charge.”

“So, what do I have to do with you guys?”

His lips form a thin line. “This really has nothing to do with you, Prinie. This is all about Wraith, and how he’s a wanted man by the Triglav Clan.”

“You want Wraith? And I’m the ticket to him? Why didn’t you just take him when you came to the clubhouse?”

“This way is more fun. Builds the suspense. It scares him… we scare him.”

I stifle a laugh. “If you’re so ‘scary’…” I use air quotes, “… then why haven’t I heard of the Triglav Clan?”

A sinister smirk creeps over Sava’s lips, then suddenly his hand comes out backhanding me across my face. The sting is so powerful it knocks me to my knees beside the pew.

“Silly little girl, you haven’t heard of us because we don’t Copyright 2016 - 2024