Addictive (Houston Defiance MC #2) - K.E. Osborn Page 0,69

throbs, my muscles tense all over, then I still, the sudden rush exploding through me like a thrill I’ve never experienced before, and I release inside of her before even thinking of pulling out.

My body instantly sags as I press her against the wall, so I don’t drop her. My legs turn to jelly as I pant trying to catch my breath. My lips linger against her neck—the thing I crave most about her—but for the first time, I didn’t let my addiction take over in the moment.

I kept myself in check.

Maybe I can do this.

My hazy eyes lift from her neck.

Prinie’s smiling. “That was…” She can’t finish her sentence.

I press my forehead against hers, the water pounding around us making the room fog up as I finish her sentence for her, “Fucking addictive.”

She leans in pressing her lips to mine. “I knew we’d be fine. I trust you, Wraith. I always have.”

My chest warms in pride as I lean to kiss her.

She fucking trusts me.


I had no idea I could control myself like that. Prinie obviously had faith in me that I could, but me, I honestly didn’t believe I had it in me. It’s why I’ve been so adamant this last year that I had to stay away from her. Maybe we can do this. Maybe I can fight my urges when I’m with her. As I dry her down with a towel, her eyes linger on my body.

“What’s going through your mind, princess?”

I bend, running the towel down her long, toned legs. She slips her fingers into my hair with an exhale. “I wasn’t sure if I’d ever get to experience that again.” Her fingers run down through my hair and start caressing my face. “I’ve missed you, Talon.”

Warmth floods over me, hearing her call me by my name. I stand, dropping the towel, pulling her to me. My lips lock with hers, and I kiss her deeply.

I’ve missed her.

More than she will ever fucking know.

Emotion swarms through me when I press my forehead to hers. “I fucking hated it when you left. It killed me because I knew I was part of the reason.”

She tightens her grip around me. “I know what happened scared you. I know you have urges, Wraith. Maybe you should talk to someone about it. Not necessarily a shrink, just someone you’re comfortable unloading on. It might help make sense of it all. About your past, about all of it...” She smiles. “Fox is a great listener.”

Zero’s aware of a fair bit, but not all of my past. I’ve kept my past pent up inside me for a fucking long time. I know it’s responsible for the way I am. But I don’t want to talk to Fox. He wouldn’t judge me, of that I am sure, but he doesn’t understand me well enough to have a sympathetic ear.

“I can’t talk to Fox,” I reply.

Her hopeful expression falls, but she nods in understanding. “I get it. It’s hard to open up.”

I grab her hand pulling her with me.

Prinie’s eyes widen as we walk naked into her bedroom. “What are we doing?” She follows without hesitation as I sit us down, moving us so we’re comfortable at the head of the bed. I can tell she’s unsure of what I’m doing, but she’s simply following along to see where this is leading. I intertwine my fingers with hers as I lean back against the headboard and exhale trying to think of where to start.

“Is there a point to th—”

“Just… give me a second,” I blurt out.

Prinie’s face scrunches in confusion, then clicks over into concern. “Wait, do you want to…” She stops, her hand instinctively moving to her neck.

A knot forms in my stomach. I close my eyes and sigh heavily, hating myself for what I did to her that night, one year ago. She’s seeing my struggle in this moment as a sign of weakness for wanting to hurt her again.

“No… I’m fine,” I tell her honestly and re-open my eyes.

Prinie’s hand drops automatically from her neck as she turns to face me. “Then talk to me. What has you looking like you’re about to burst, or run, or… fuck! I don’t even know what that expression is on your face right now.”

Closing my eyes again, I take a deep centering breath, then open them. “I’ve never told anyone this shit.” Silence fills the room as her hand in mine tightens, giving me the strength I need.

If I’m going to open up Copyright 2016 - 2024