Addictive (Houston Defiance MC #2) - K.E. Osborn Page 0,47

being one. But I do know while Zero isn’t here, I need to step up. I’m doing a shit job of it so far. I’ll do better. This club has done so fucking much for me, it’s time I start repaying the favor.”

The guys all thump their fists on the table in appreciation. I dip my head as I stand from the table. Their eyes all follow me as I walk to Zero’s seat. My insides are churning. I fucking hate this, but the guys need it. They need a brother willing to lead them. So, I pull out Zero’s chair, taking a seat. They all bow their heads at me respectively.

I take in a deep breath then start talking, “We need to stand together as a club. If this is the Baron trying to throw something else at us, we’ll be ready this time. Neon, keep an eye on those trackers, let me know where they end up. Texas, tell me when Slick gets back. Have him bring the truck driver’s license to Neon, so we can check him out. Fox, I need you and Bub to cook up a feast tonight. This club needs something to make them feel good, a decent feed is something to bring us all together.”

“You got it… pres,” Fox offers.

My chest clenches, hating hearing that word directed at me. But right now, this is what the club needs, so I have to suck this shit up. I grab the gavel. “Anything else?” I ask.


I slam the gavel on the table, the vibration through my hand making my insides shake just as violently. “Then let’s get to work.”

Everyone stands while I remain seated, just trying to keep my shit together.

It’s been a hell of a few hours.

I need to take a moment.

Neon walks up behind me. “Good job, pres.” He’s being sincere as he grabs his shit, then walks out of the room.

I sit back in the chair. How did I get here?

Sure, I worked my way up, but I never would have gotten here if it weren’t for Zero.

And where is he now?

In jail.

With a cellmate who has a grudge against me.

A cellmate who will more than likely kill Zero in the next few hours just for knowing me.

Some sort of fucking friend I am.

Zero’s death will be on me.

Texas pokes his head around the door. “Pres?”

I raise my chin. “Yeah?”

“Cherry’s wanting to speak with you.”

I signal for him to send her in. She steps inside the room immediately like she’s been there waiting. If I had the energy to find that funny, I would.

“Wraith, I need you to tell me why people are calling you pres now.”

I exhale, gesturing for her to take a seat. She hesitates while Texas shuts the door, but then she sits in his seat. “Rayne, it’s just how things work here. While Zero’s away, I have to step up and act as president. The brothers all need me to. They have to have someone to look to as their leader. I tried not to, I tried it the other way, I was avoiding it, but it wasn’t working. The club needs me to lead them this way.”

She relaxes her posture. “So, Zero, he’s not…” her eyes mist up as she blinks her tears away, “… dead?” The word comes out as a breathy whisper.


“No. But I am going to be honest with you, he’s hurt. He has been beaten by fellow inmates, but he’s alive.”

She closes her eyes. “Is he going to make it?”

“He’s gonna fight like hell. You know how stubborn he is.”

“That’s not what I asked. Do you think he’s going to stay alive in there?”

Jesus fucking Christ, this woman. No wonder Zero fell for her. She’s strong, I will give you that.

My breathing quickens. I turn away trying to figure out whether lying to her right now will be in her best interest.

“Don’t lie to me, Wraith. Hide the truth from Prinie all you like but not from me.”

I turn back to face her, and I already see it on her face.

She knows.

“No. I don’t know how long he has.”

She doesn’t burst into tears.

She doesn’t scream or break down.

Her face falls. Cherry folds her arms across her chest as if trying to find some sort of comfort. “So, he’s gonna die in there.”

I’m not sure if it’s a question she is asking me or if she’s mulling that over. I inhale as I lean forward trying to narrow the space between us. “Thing is, Copyright 2016 - 2024