Addictive (Houston Defiance MC #2) - K.E. Osborn Page 0,24

black van with no plates. Honestly, the whole thing looks so fucking staged, it’s ridiculous.”

I snort out a laugh. “Why the hell do they think it’s Zero and Rayne? They’ve never been to Dallas together.”

“They’re saying Rayne’s credit card was used there on that day. I say that was doctored, too. This whole thing was set up by the Baron. Honestly, if you look close enough, the guy who’s playing Zero isn’t even tall enough to be him. They’re actors playing a part to get him arrested. The Baron wanted Zero tried here in Houston, so he could watch every detail play out. That’s why he didn’t have him charged for taking Rayne in Chicago because he would have had to have been extradited back to Illinois and sent to jail there. The damn fucker orchestrated this whole thing so he could sit back and watch.”

My lip curls up in anger as I let out an angry huff. “Motherfucker. Will he get away with this?”

“We won’t let him. I’ll find a way, Wraith. It will be relatively easy to discredit the footage using specialists in the field. The major hurdle we face is that it depends greatly on how long before we can get it debunked under the law, and how much pull the Baron has in the judiciary system.”

Letting out a long exhale, I run my hand through my hair. “How’s Zero taking all this?”

“He’s more concerned about his girl than anything.”

“Cherry’s being taken care of. I hope you told him that?”

She rolls her eyes. “Of course, I did. My job is to keep him in a good frame of mind while kicking everyone else’s asses. So, yes, I told him Rayne is fine, that you’re taking care of her. I also told him Prinie was rattled, but Phantom was caring for her.”

I tense.

How did she gather from her short time at the clubhouse who’s watching over Prinie?

“And I see by the look in your eye, Wraith, you’re wondering how I know that… well, it’s because I’m damn good at my job, that’s how. I watch. I observe. I take in all the information around me using it to my advantage. I was at the clubhouse for just under an hour being briefed before we came here. During that time, I learned a lot about your club. Trust me… I know plenty about you and the brothers no one could tell me. Intuition, analytical skills, perseverance, good judgment are all important when dealing with the law.”

I let out a huff. She’s smug, that’s for sure, but I like it. Balls like that are what we need to face the Baron. “Okay, so where do we sit?”

She rolls her shoulders. “This won’t be easy… the charges are sticking. Zero is set for arraignment in two days. We can all be at the courthouse to see where it’s going to go, but with anything that has the Baron’s mark on it, it’s going to take some time and a lot of work. It might take more time than we’ve got.”

My face scrunches as I glare at her. “Are you saying this shit is hopeless?”

She’s unfazed by my outburst. “What I’m saying is we need to understand this is a marathon, not a sprint to the finish line. Wraith, I think you and your brothers need to prepare for the fact I might not be able to fix this one before Zero’s locked up.”

Anger ignites inside of me as I throw my hands into the air. “Well, what fucking good are you then?”

Neon moves in beside me placing his hand on my shoulder. “Look, I get we’re all on edge, but Finley is the only attorney in Houston who would take on this case, Wraith. We have no choice but to trust in her judgment.”

“No choice? No fucking choice? Maybe there’s a reason she took us on if she can’t help, Neon. ‘Cause she’s working for the fucking Baron!” I turn, heading for the door before my fury reaches a critical level, and my addiction kicks in. I can’t say the need wasn’t starting to rear its ugly head when I saw Finley walk in. Her neck stood out, calling for me to wrap my fingers around it and squeeze. When tensions get high, the urge for me to give into my addiction becomes so much more, I can hardly contain it. I need to find another vice. I have to find a way to control this urge that calls inside me.

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