Act of War - Brad Thor Page 0,32

of a sci-fi movie. Its barrel was rectangular with a bright, white light and two integrated lasers.

Before Hanjour was able to process that he was looking at a new cutting-edge Taser, Harvath depressed his trigger. The weapon delivered an incapacitating electrical charge that caused Hanjour’s muscles to seize. His body went completely rigid and he cried out as he fell forward. As soon as he hit the floor, Harvath was on top of him.

“We’re out of here in ninety seconds,” he said, securing Hanjour’s wrists and ankles with FlexiCuffs.

Levy placed a strip of electrical tape over the recruiter’s mouth, then stood up and alerted the team to go to the next stage.

As Harvath finished trussing up Hanjour, Levy reclaimed a large, hard-sided Storm Case from the closet. Air holes had been drilled in strategic places and covered with a fine mesh, painted the same color as the case. It had sturdy wheels rated for over three hundred pounds of gear, far exceeding what Hanjour weighed. Kicking it over onto its side, Levy flipped open the latches and threw open the lid.

The effects of a Taser were short-lived. Once the subject was down, you had to move fast, which was exactly what Harvath had done. As soon as Levy opened the case, Hanjour knew what was in store for him and began to thrash around wildly like a fish on a hot summer pier.

It was estimated that anywhere from five to seven percent of the world’s population suffered from severe claustrophobia. In their files, the French and the Brits had remarked not only on Hanjour’s sexual proclivities, but also on the fact that he was likely a claustrophobic. His reaction upon seeing the Storm Case was the only confirmation Harvath needed.

He had very strong hands and grabbed Hanjour by the back of the neck and squeezed until the man stopped struggling.

Nodding to Levy, he stood and then they bent over, picked up Hanjour, and attempted to put him in the case. Immediately, he started going wild again—thrashing against his restraints, twisting his body, and screaming from behind the duct tape that muffled his mouth. Harvath signaled for Levy to put him down.

He got right up in Hanjour’s face and said, “If you fight, if you so much as make a sound, I’m going to weigh this box down with rocks, cut a nice big hole in the corner, and dump you in Dubai Creek to drown. Do you understand me?”

Hanjour looked from Harvath to the Storm Case and back to Harvath. He began shaking his head wildly.

“Khuram,” Harvath said. “This isn’t a negotiation. You’re going in that box and trust me, at this point, you’ve got much bigger things to worry about. Now, we can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way. It’s up to you.”

Hanjour continued to violently shake his head.

Harvath handed Levy the Taser and grabbed the duct tape. When he had a piece starting to peel away from the roll, he nodded for her to give him another charge.

When she did, Hanjour’s body went rigid once more and he let out another muffled yell from behind his gag. When his body lost its rigidity, Harvath brought the man’s chest to his knees, rolled him onto his buttocks, and began wrapping him with duct tape.

Almost immediately Hanjour was fighting him again. Harvath had to work fast. He had no idea if anyone in the hotel had heard his initial cry upon being Tasered and had possibly called security. They needed to get out of the hotel as quickly as possible.

With Levy’s help, they forced his arms across his chest, and with a second roll of tape succeeded in mummifying him in the fetal position. He was harder to pick up this time, but they managed, and laid him on his side inside the Storm Case. He was rocking violently from side to side, but that would change once the lid was shut and his shoulder was pinned up against it.

Before closing the lid, Harvath reminded him one last time what would happen if he didn’t cooperate. “Move or make a sound and you’re going to the bottom of Dubai Creek. Understand me?”

Hanjour didn’t respond. He didn’t need to. The fact that he finally stopped thrashing was response enough.

Harvath closed and locked the lid as Levy quickly wiped down the room for prints. She tucked Hanjour’s shoes and shirt into her bag and informed the team they were on the move. Once the hallway Copyright 2016 - 2024