Act of War - Brad Thor Page 0,133

stepped out of the room.

Harvath didn’t want to start messing with any of Ho’s computers, not if he didn’t have to. Nicholas could do just about anything, but the NSA would have the best chance of sucking all of the data out of them. At the very least, the hardcopies of Ho’s files should contain contact information for each of the cell members.

Turning back to Ho, Harvath was about to ask him another question when his cell phone, as well as Sloane’s, chimed at exactly the same time. It was the tone they used for emails from the Old Man. Harvath didn’t take his eyes off Ho. If the email was important, Sloane would let him know.

Scanning the brief message, she stepped over and whispered in his ear, “The Bureau found the remaining storage units in Seattle and Baltimore. The Old Man wants to know if there are any others. That’s priority number one. Once you have that, he wants Bao Deng. He wants you to find out who he is, where he’s going, and how we can get to him.”

Harvath nodded and focused his full attention back on Ho. Choosing his words carefully, he moved the interrogation in a new and dangerous direction.


* * *

* * *


In the time that they had been inland, the weather forecast had gone from bad to worse. Nevertheless, Lieutenant Fordyce looked at Billy Tang and said, “I’m putting my foot down.”

“Fuck putting your foot down, LT,” Johnson interrupted. “I’m going to put my foot up his ass.” Pointing his finger right in Tang’s face he said, “You and Jin-Sang are coming with us.”

The CIA operative didn’t know what he appreciated more, Johnson’s insistence, or that the SEALs had finally started calling the little boy by his correct name.

“Listen,” Tang replied. “You guys need to think about yourselves. That storm’s coming. Look at how much wind we’ve got, and we’re not even at the coast yet. You’re going to need to double-time it to make your pickup.”

“You let us worry about the pickup, Billy,” Fordyce said.

“You’re going to rappel down that rock face with him and then swim him out in those swells? He’s so drugged up, we won’t be able to get him to hold his breath long enough to get down to the ASDS. That’s just stupid.”

“I told you before, we don’t do stupid.”

The CIA operative looked at the men. “I was wrong when I said I thought SEALs were honorable. You are honorable. But this isn’t open for discussion. You guys need to get back. It’s imperative.”

“You’re right. This isn’t open for discussion.”

Tang held up his hand. “Hyun Su and I can get him into South Korea. It’s going to take a few days, but we can make it happen. As long as Tuck gives me enough meds to keep him comfortable, everything will be okay. As soon as we get to Seoul, I’ll take him right to the embassy. They’ll want to debrief him and they’ve got an excellent medical team there. Besides, you can’t bring a kid who’s been exposed to a potentially drug-resistant form of TB onto a submarine.”

Fordyce looked at him. “Are you finished?”

Tang stood there, unsure of how to respond.

Fordyce didn’t wait for an answer. “One of the dumbest things you can ever attempt,” he said, “is to tell a SEAL what he can’t do. We’ll let the medical officer decide on quarantine protocols. But we came in as a team and we’re going out as a team. I don’t give a fuck if the North Koreans suspect we were here. They’re so paranoid they suspect everyone. Now, you either learn how to follow my orders, or this time I will have Tucker shoot you. Is that clear?”

The CIA operative had no idea how the SEALs were going to pull it off, but he trusted them. Shaking his head, he smiled and resigned himself to the fact that they were all leaving together.

Fordyce put his index finger behind his left ear and bent it forward, indicating that he was still awaiting a response.

“Sir, yes sir,” Tang replied, throwing in a crisp salute.

“You damn well better salute me. It’s the least you can do for the ass-chewing I’m going to get. Now, let’s talk about how we’re going to roll this out.”

• • •

The water was worse than any of them had anticipated. The incoming storm had picked up considerable strength and was roiling the sea with chop. Fordyce’s brilliant plan was looking much less Copyright 2016 - 2024