An Act of Persuasion - By Stephanie Doyle Page 0,79

a little harder on her nipples, then she might come from that alone, which had never happened to her.

It seemed they had only started and already she was running her legs along the outside of his thighs and tilting her hips to touch the hardness that was just out of reach of her body with the way his hands were braced on the bed beside her head.

“Ben,” she moaned.

“All right,” he grunted. “We’ll play next time.”

He shifted and she could feel the blunt head of his penis at the spot where she wanted him. In a slow, steady thrust he was deep inside her. She could hear herself whimpering, seeking another long stroke from the master, but she didn’t care.

Then he started to move and she closed her eyes and let the feelings all roll over her. She could feel the easy rhythm of his body as he plunged then pulled away. This was different from last time, she thought. She was more aware of him. More in her mind than in her body. She was thinking and feeling.

This Ben. He’s inside me. Oh, it feels good. We’re having sex and now it’s going to change us. We’re going to be a couple. We’re going to do this all the time.

A relationship. A real relationship.


As the words filtered through her body she found herself coming close to that peak that would take her to bliss. His hand cupped her ass and tilted her closer to him, allowing him even deeper. The pace of his thrusts increased but he was still careful not to push too hard or put any pressure on her belly. Her breasts were bouncing and, even in that, she felt a tug and pull of gooey heat rocketing through her body.

The pleasure built and the urgency of what they were both reaching for grew. She started to shake inside. The fear of what would happen when she opened herself completely and let him inside her life as well as her body began to take over.

Suddenly she had this crazy idea that when she climaxed, when he pushed her to that point, she would finally crack fully open and he would pour himself into all of those little open crevices and she would be filled with him body and soul.

She would never be able to separate herself from him again.

What if he leaves? What if he leaves after that happens?

The dark thoughts intruded through the haze of pleasure and she found herself retreating, tightening up. She needed to hold back. It was the only way she could keep herself protected.

Let him finish. Just pretend. He doesn’t have to know you got scared. He won’t know the difference if you cry out his name.


His shout had her blinking her eyes open. His face was a tight, brutal mask of sexual ferocity. But it scared her less than her own thoughts did.

“Don’t you pull back on me now. Come with me.”

She closed her eyes, shut him out and reached for the arm that he was using to brace himself above. “Yes, yes. Now.”

But it was as though he could see her through her act instantly.

“Open your eyes and look at me.”

She didn’t want to. She didn’t want to see him, not when she was running away, even while she was in his arms. Even while he was in her body.

“Look at me, Anna.”

Unable to deny him the truth, she complied. He slowed his rhythm and leaned in to kiss her. She parted her lips willing to give him anything he wanted as long as she could hold on to some part of herself for a little more time.

He kissed her forehead instead.

“It’s okay, I’ve got you. I won’t let anything happen. You can let yourself go.”

The hand that had been holding her hip shifted, inserting itself between their bodies. She could feel the brush of his thumb right on the physical spot that seemed directly connected to that inner space she was so desperate to hold on to. Then his hips rolled until she felt as though she was being screwed into the bed. The feel of him expanding inside of her while his thumb tweaked the swollen nub between her legs was too much. It pushed her over the edge and into the abyss.

Suddenly she was bursting all over and the sound of glass breaking around her wasn’t hard to imagine. He thrust again then groaned like a dying man who happened to be in a great deal of Copyright 2016 - 2024