Ace High (Lost Creek Rodeo #6) - Heather B. Moore Page 0,12

gaze connected with Kelly’s over the top of Mallory’s head.

Kellie smiled as she felt more tears threatening. Somehow, Lars had been exactly what was needed to get Mallory in the right place with the right care. When he winked at her, Kellie was pretty sure a little piece of her heart melted. A piece she’d thought had been long gone.

When Lars released Mallory, he stepped back and said, “I’ll be in the lobby in case anyone needs me.”

“Thanks again.” Mallory sniffled. “I still think you’re handsome, though.”

He smiled, then tipped his hat.

After he strode out, Mallory released a sigh. Kellie reached for her hand and squeezed.

“You know, I shouldn’t have even made a play for him,” she mused.

“Because you’re still not over your ex?”

Mallory turned her head. “Well, no, but it’s clear that Lars’s attention is only for one woman at the ranch, and it’s not me.”

Kellie frowned. “Who’s he been talking to?”

Mallory raised her brows, keeping her gaze steady.

“You’re mistaken,” Kellie said. “Lars and I go way back. He’s like a brother.”

“Does he know you think of him as a brother?” Mallory asked, her tone teasing.

On one hand, Kellie was glad Mallory had recovered from her intense weeping; on the other hand, she was talking nonsense.

Kellie wouldn’t even allow herself to entertain the idea that Lars was interested in her. If anything, he was only being protective. Like a brother. Not like Ryan, exactly, because Kellie didn’t bicker with Lars.

He was just … present a lot. Helping out. Watching over stuff.

Yeah, that was it.

Because Lars was like a brother. So her heart needed to stop fluttering whenever she was around him, or thought of him, or hugged him …

After Mallory left and Kellie signed some paperwork with the clinic, Lars was still waiting in the lobby. To take her home. Because that was what a man like Lars Jackson did.

Kellie really needed some space from all that had happened tonight, and she hoped sleeping dead to the world tonight would give her that.

“Ready?” Kellie asked Lars when she reentered the lobby.

He snatched his cowboy hat from the chair next to him, then rose to his feet. “Ready. Did everything go okay with Mallory’s transfer?”

She looked up and met his gaze. “Yeah, she’s a lot calmer now. Almost back to herself. But she’s still in danger, of course.”

Lars nodded and pushed open the door, then held it for her. “Glad we could get her additional help.”

Kellie walked with him to his truck, where he opened the door again for her. Before climbing in, she paused and said, “Do you think we did the right thing? I mean, maybe I shouldn’t have gone to the fire pit tonight. Maybe I should have stayed with the women, and this all wouldn’t have happened.”

Lars didn’t even hesitate. “It’s not your fault. I believe this would have happened later if not tonight. The moment I saw her bandaged wrists, I knew it was a cry for help.”

She exhaled and closed her eyes. “You’re right.” She didn’t open them until she felt Lars’s hands rest on her shoulders.

“Kells, you’re doing amazing. Nothing that happened tonight was your fault.”

She wanted to believe him, had to believe him. Or she’d go crazy. Besides, his hands on her shoulders, his hazel eyes studying her face, and his calm demeanor all helped. “Thanks for your help. I might still be in that closet if you hadn’t come.”

Lars smiled at that, and she found herself smiling back, although her throat ached with the threat of more tears.

“Anytime, Sunshine.”

The simple phrase brought Mallory’s words back to Kellie’s mind. But Lars couldn’t like her like that, could he? She was like a sister to him.

And his hands were still on her shoulders. She kept her own hands at her side, though—another hug from him might undo her completely.

“I’m serious, Kells,” Lars said. “While I’m in Lost Creek, I can help any minute of the day or night. When I’m not here, then I can be here as soon as you let me know you need me. I don’t want you to feel like you’re alone, ever. I’m here for you, okay?”

Dang it. Tears had come anyway. “Okay. That’s nice of you, but I can’t expect—”

In a swift move, Lars pressed a finger against her mouth, cutting off her words. “Don’t say it. Don’t think it. Just remember what I told you, okay?”

She nodded.

He seemed satisfied, because he dropped his hands and stepped back, giving her room that she didn’t know she needed Copyright 2016 - 2024