The Accidental Fiance - Christi Barth Page 0,94

was a good guy. But the version she was seeing tonight? The slick, studly version? He did exude a palpable magnetism. Those Special Forces muscles were evident even through his sport coat.

So Sydney laughed, patted him on the arm. “I appreciate your restraint. It can’t be easy.”

“Well, Alex is my best friend. I’d do anything for him.”

“Then how about you stand on the opposite side of Amelia. As far away from my beautiful date as possible,” Alex ground out between clenched teeth.

“Oh no, it should just be the four of you in the photo. Something to commemorate your first time here.” Sydney tried to edge away from the backdrop without hitting the overflowing vase of red roses on a table.

But Alex held firm to her hand. “My first time here is with you. That’s what needs to be commemorated.”

God. How did two single sentences manage to spear into her heart so deeply?

She’d have to buy this photo. The one with Teague tickling Amelia to get her to smile. Everleigh laughing at them, and she and Alex gazing like goofballs into each other’s eyes.

“I’m hitting the bar. Need a place to assess my hunting ground,” Teague announced.

Now Sydney knew he was kidding around. Mostly.

“First you’ll get us all drinks,” Amelia corrected. “I’ll help you carry.”

“I have to start with a dance. And with this music, I’ll need to nab a partner. It’s been too long!” Everleigh, in fact, danced her way over to the dance floor.

Bing Crosby crooned through the speakers. They always started the dance with fifteen minutes of music per decade, so that the older people could enjoy some nostalgia. The band would kick in with recent hits later, once they’d cleared out and the younger people were ready to get wild.

“Tell me you dance,” Alex said. “I want an excuse to keep my hands on you all night.”

Sydney licked her lips. Resisted the impulse to just melt against him. “I really like that plan. But I have to make the rounds first. Say hello to my family—”

Alex cut her off. “Trot out our engagement, you mean.”

A few weeks ago, she would’ve agreed in relief at his readiness to play along. But now? His comment felt…wrong? Cheap? Not at all fair to how far they’d grown together aside from the act they put on for the town.

Which was her own problem. Of her own making.

“A little. Mostly, it’s Gram’s first big event, so I want to check on her. Be sure she’s not pushing herself too much. And…” Her gaze flicked past her grandmother ensconced at a table with Hazel and all her other Egret Bay cronies to the side wall, lined with tables. “I want to assess the competition.”

“There’s a competition? Were we supposed to work up a routine? Sydney, I would’ve smoked everyone else. Why didn’t you tell me?”

Ah, Alex had every bit as much swagger as Teague. The pair of them were irresistible. “No, this is not your wheelhouse. It’s the annual brownie competition.” She pointed at the tables overflowing with pyramids of chocolate goodness.

“You entered?”

“Yes.” A decision Sydney had second-guessed. And third-guessed. All the way up to about forty. “I mean, just to give myself a goal to hit with learning how to bake. Gram’s won the last three years in a row. She gave me her spot.”

Alex lifted her hand to his mouth and pressed a kiss against her knuckles. “I’m so proud of you. You’ve come so far in six weeks.”

Wow. She didn’t need a red ribbon with support like that. “Alex, I’m not going to win. I spiced mine up with some chili powder. People may hate them. I’m basically terrified.”

“The winning doesn’t matter. I’m proud of you for learning something new, for not giving up. I plan to eat at least three.”

“Maybe start with one. There’s a lot of deliciousness here, which you don’t want to miss.” She stopped abruptly. “You know what? Let’s dance first.”

“Cold feet? C’mon. You’ve got me all primed for something dark and fudgy.” Alex tugged, but Sydney didn’t budge.

“Nora’s over there.”

His eyes iced over as he stiffened. “The snooty bitch Amelia and Ever rescued you from?”

“Well, I mean, I didn’t need to be rescued, but yes.”

“The one nursing some grudge against you from high school? C’mon. That’s nuts. Go smooth things over.”

“Why bother? Nobody needs to see a catfight on Valentine’s Day. And I’ll be leaving soon.”

Shoving his hands deep into his pockets, Alex asked, “Yeah, but…won’t you come back? Soon? Not wait for someone in Copyright 2016 - 2024