The Accidental Fiance - Christi Barth Page 0,76

your life upside down. You’re opening your own business. Putting all your savings on the line. Figuring out how to be a partner with your friends. That is a lot.”

“I know. But I like to think I can handle things. Handle anything.” He sloughed a hand through his hair. Standing there, all rumpled and rugged in his flannel and filling the room with his sheer presence, Sydney believed it.

She settled her hands on her knees. Yes, knowing that it’d let her top slide down her shoulder. Because she could think of a far better way to work off his mood than just pacing. The only trick would be to get Alex on board.

“I’d say if you raised Amelia by yourself, barely out of your teens, you’ve proven that to be true.”

“I thought so.” A vertical line crinkled between his brows. “But I’m off-balance. Since we moved here, my world’s been upside down. You know when I feel right-side up? When I’m with you.”

The smooth and sultry strains of Melody Gardot crooned from the Echo in the corner. That proved that time kept ticking. That and, oh, the elephant clock on the wall that used the trunk as a pendulum.

But Sydney felt frozen. Absolutely pinned in place by the gift of his words. To her surprise, Alex, too, looked frozen. Braced, actually, as if unsure how she’d react. As if holding his breath with his entire body.

“I’m selfish, Sydney.” He didn’t bother walking around the coffee table. No, those long legs stepped right over it to put him next to her. But he didn’t make any other move to touch her. His arms hung at his sides, still waiting for her to respond. “I came here tonight seeking comfort. From you.”

Sydney broke out of her reverie. Out of wallowing in the moment. She could remember it later. Hug it to her heart later as truly special. As feeling more needed than perhaps ever before in her life. Instead, she dove into the moment.

“It’s not selfish, Alex. Not if that’s what I want to give you.”

He inched closer. So close that she had to tip her head back to maintain eye contact. Close enough that his breath stirred the wisps at her hairline. How could a sensation so infinitesimal send such a surge of arousal through her?

“Do you?” His voice wasn’t much more than a gruff growl.

“Very much so.” Guess she wouldn’t have to work very hard to get him on board after all.

The backs of his knuckles slowly grazed down her cheek. “You know what Amelia’s parting shot was? When she stormed out? She agreed with Teague that I need to have sex. They’re all convinced I’ll be a better partner, more relaxed, if I just have sex.”

That was unexpected. At least, coming from his sister. “What do you think?”

His right hand flipped over to cradle her jaw. The side of his thumb brushed across her lips. Which automatically parted at the calloused touch. “That I need to have sex with you.”

Oh, thank goodness.

“Then I’d say that your sister’s strategic judgment increased by leaps and bounds by the end of your conversation.”

His left hand came up to cradle the other side of her face. “Do you want to finish our drinks? Have dinner? Try to fake our way through conversation?”

“Depends.” Sydney grabbed on to those muscled forearms. She already knew what her vote was. But she wanted to hear his option. “What’s the alternative?”


Alex tilted her head back. Then he fell on her mouth with a ravenous hunger. Sydney kept her grip on his arms because otherwise she might’ve lost her balance as desire swirled through her.

She crooked her leg around his calf, hitching them closer together. In just thick, fuzzy black socks rather than shoes, their height difference was more noticeable than other times they’d kissed. It pressed his erection against her lower belly.

And, oh my, it was sizeable already. After one, long, extended kiss.

Well, good. She was already primed, too, just from hearing that he needed to be with her.

Words were a powerful aphrodisiac. And she and Alex were extremely good at sharing words.

Sydney wanted to find out what other ways they were good at sharing with each other.

He broke off the kiss. Let go of her entirely. Stepped back. Crossed his arms with the smuggest grin she’d ever seen. Yeah, he’d felt her melt all over him. Probably heard the sigh when they’d unlocked lips.

Either Alex was insistent on getting consent every step of the way…or he was Copyright 2016 - 2024