Academy for Courting Curses - Tara West Page 0,8

crush your grandfather, we’ll teach your uncles a lesson.

She dragged a hand down her face. After we crush my grandfather, we’ll return to school and focus on passing our exams. Their jokes had been funny at first, but now all they did was stress her.

You and Draque have been studying hard. You’ll pass. Teju turned up his chin, giving her a confident grin. You’ve aced the practice exams.

If not, you can suck Teju’s dick for a passing grade. Thelix giggled.

I just want this to be over, so we can return to the eggs and Lily. She missed her baby sister and her three unhatched eggs, and her anxiety worsened the farther they traveled away from them. Lily had been burdened with the Phoenixfire curse, preventing her from ever reaching adulthood. She’d burst into flames and had been reborn as an infant hundreds of times over. Only a few months ago, she was a seven-year-old child. Now she was an infant again, destined to live a cursed life, never growing old enough to experience true love. She prayed her mates’ grandparents and mother were taking good care of them while also overseeing the Fifth Realm.

Ladon nuzzled her shoulder. It will be over soon.

Her roiling stomach settled when Draque returned to them, and she didn’t see any bony Fae limbs sticking out of his teeth.

Where have you been? Teju asked.

Found us a place to sleep, he answered, then lowered his head for Serah to mount him.

Hopefully alone, so we can get sex, Thelix said and squealed.

You can be quiet now, Serah chided.

You’re no fun. Thelix pouted. I’ll come back when they take off our clothes.

Using his paw as a stepstool, she climbed onto Draque’s back and settled between his shoulders. Being the alpha dragon, he was also the biggest, with a wide neck she could barely straddle, but she loved riding him.

I prefer riding him in human form, her siren purred.

Her thought must have been projected to her mates, because their laughter resonated in her head.

I thought you were leaving, Serah grumbled. She was glad they’d been so understanding about her horny siren. Ever since the bonding ritual, after which they could finally communicate through thought, her siren was constantly flirting with her mates.

She looked over her shoulder at his dragon family, who stayed on shore. Aren’t they coming?

Nope, he said and took to the air.

She thought she heard the beginning of a thought, but then he held back. He wanted to say more, and her intuition told her it was something about needing to spend their last night together alone in case any of them perished tomorrow. That troubled her.

Her stomach pitched like a ship in a storm when they flew not toward the cliffs but across the blue-green water, in the direction of the Fae camp.

Don’t start any trouble, she warned.

Who, me? Draque laughed, his brothers joining in.

I mean it! The last thing they needed was a war on two fronts, especially not with the Fae, whose queen carried the amethyst scepter, a tool more powerful than any wand.

We just want to see what their campground looks like, Draque said.

Liar, she spat, then sucked in a sharp breath when the clouds parted and their campsite came into view. She felt a stab of jealousy when they flew over the Fae’s encampment with golden tents pitched on silver-lined clouds. She spotted many tall, lithe Fae gathered around a buffet of food and wine in a garden full of colorful flowers. Even when preparing for battle, they lived in luxury.

Draque circled above them.

What are you doing? She asked, fear icing her limbs.

He didn’t answer. His brothers followed them.

She gasped when yellow liquid splashed down on the buffet. Waving their fists at them, the Fae shrieked and swore, their shimmering hair plastered to their faces in sodden waves, their fine silken robes dripping with dragon piss.

“Sorry,” Draque called down. “Bladder problem.”

Two more streams of urine fell on the Fae, and the clouds erupted with horrified cries of anguish, as if they’d been struck down in a bloody battle.

“Oops! Sorry!” Ladon boomed.

“Bladder issues are hereditary.” Teju chuckled.

Thelix giggled and squealed. They get extra dick suckings tonight.

Horror twisted her insides when she saw that two of the piss-drenched Fae were her uncles. They glowered up at them with murderous looks in their eyes.

Burying her face in her hands, she groaned. You guys are awful.

She had no doubt the Fae would retaliate. These little acts of aggression could lead to a war between shifters and Fae, Copyright 2016 - 2024