Academy for Courting Curses - Tara West Page 0,6

The law had been gridlocked in parliament, the Demagogue and Optimate parties arguing over every little detail, using the treaty as a way to further their own agendas.

Exactly, Thelix spat. They lie to shifters so dragons don’t burn them.

She looked at the silver, puffy clouds hovering just offshore. The Fae had already set up camp there, creating a miniature version of their magical realm in the clouds, reminding everyone they thought shifters and witches were far beneath them. She was glad they camped up there. That way she wouldn’t have to beg her mates not to turn her sneering uncles into piles of ash.

She joined her sister-in-law, Violet, beside the fire, warming her hands and numb face. Violet’s purple pixie hair had grown past her ears, and her lavender eyes and pale skin glowed as if she’d just skipped through a cloud of faery dust. Eight dragons created a shield behind them, blocking the relentless frigid wind. This place was cold enough to make her nipples as hard as Sawran pearls, and she was glad her mother-in-law and her mates’ grandparents had stayed behind in the Grotto. She didn’t think they could tolerate such harsh conditions.

Her mates’ alpha father, King Kron, was on the ledge of a nearby cliff, conversing with Rhia, Queen of the Fae, Prime Minister Goblingout, and King Tormung, the dragon king of the Fourth Realm, a realm full-blooded dragons shared with the Fae. They were probably discussing tomorrow’s plan. Her stomach churned. Goblingout had already expressed an interest in using her siren voice to take down Goldenwand. Even though her mates would be with her, she was afraid of confronting her grandfather. His smug smile and beady, judgmental eyes made her feel no more significant than a grain of dust.

You are a mighty siren, the reincarnation of our goddess, Thelix reminded her.

Thelix was right, so why was she so afraid?

I’ll be right back, Draque said and jumped into the sky, flying over the cliff to the mountains.

“Where are you going?” Serah called, but he didn’t answer.

Maybe he’s finding a place where we can fuck, Thelix said and giggled. I hope so. Our pussy needs a good pounding.

She started at a loud roar overhead, then rolled her eyes at Violet when she saw the Dragon King’s glistening red scales above them.

The little witch shook her head, grumbling and rubbing her belly, which was slightly swollen with her mates’ eggs. “He’s here,” she said stiffly. “I need to make his medicine.”

Her mates’ brothers simultaneously growled.

Serah looked up at the shadow that blotted out what little there was left of the sun. King Tormung flew in circles above them. He was full dragon, as he liked to remind her mates, not a part-time shifter dragon. He was also twice their size and could deflect any curse, making the spell bounce back and hit the one who’d cursed him. One could say he was indestructible, except for the one enemy he couldn’t conquer—himself. He relied on Violet to make the herbs that eased his crippling anxiety.

“You don’t have to go,” Thaddeus said, steaming her purple hair with his wide nostrils.

She fanned away the smoke. “Yes, I do. Remember.” She gave her mates a pointed look. “If I lose his favor, I lose his protection.”

They flinched. Serah knew their male egos were crushed, but Violet’s safety mattered more than their pride.

It was no secret Sir Goblingout still harbored ill will toward them after they’d refused his summons, demanding Violet explain why she’d used the unbreakable curse when the Arcane Army tried to kill her. It was also no secret that witch justice was anything but just, and Violet was safest with the dragon king’s protection. The prime minister was deathly afraid of Tormung.

The king landed behind them with a thud and let out a cross between a roar and a whimper. “Where’s my potion, witch?”

Violet dug into her bag, removing several smaller bags and a large vial. “Coming, coming.”

He sat down like a feline, tail curled around his legs, watching her as a cat watches the mouse right before he bats her between his paws for fun. Firelight danced across his crimson scales, making him look more demon than dragon. When he gave Serah a sinister look, it took all her willpower not to piss her pants.

He’s still angry with you for using our siren voice to bring him to his knees, Thelix said.

Yeah, she agreed. He doesn’t look too pleased with me. Not like she’d had a choice. Under a Copyright 2016 - 2024