Academy for Courting Curses - Tara West Page 0,13

baby, and fulfill your destiny.”

A ripple rolled across the cocoon, and one gleaming eye opened, as red as the depths of hell. She turned to the lagoon, black magic dripping into the water like spilled ink from her fingers. The pool spun, gradually picking up speed. “Go,” she whispered to the water, “and welcome our visitors.”

Gae returned to her tunnels, exited, and flew swiftly toward the volcano’s core. There she placed an enchantment on the black smoke that billowed from the angry, boiling center. When the smoke turned blue, she covered her mouth and nose, careful not to breathe in the poisonous fumes. The Fae wouldn’t know what hit them.

* * *

Serah woke to Teju tenderly stroking her cheek. She looked at him through heavy-lidded eyes. His tan was darker than usual, he had a morning beard shadow, and his thick, dark hair was askew. His glasses were gone.

“Good morning, my beauty.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “How did you sleep?”

She sat up and rubbed her eyes, fatigue making it hard to think, much less speak. It felt as if she’d only slept a few minutes, but her senses came alive when she inhaled the rich aromas of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon.

“Surprisingly well,” she said and yawned, “considering we’re about to go to war.” Ladon was at the tiki bar, bent over a small grill, but she saw no sign of Draque.

Teju tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I have a feeling we’re not going to find anything but bone and ash when we go looking for your grandfather.”

“I hope so.” As morbid as it sounded, she felt no guilt for wishing that man dead. She just wanted to put him behind her and focus on her future. “But I hope my brother survived,” she added. She’d never even met him, and though his father was a first-rate troll turd, that didn’t mean she’d wish ill will on Alexi, too.

When she heard the toilet flush, followed by the sound of the shower running, Thelix sprang to life. Oh, let’s surprise Draque in the shower!

No, Thelix, she scolded. We have to go to war.

Thelix cursed, then went silent.

Teju helped her from the sofa and wrapped a warm robe around her. Stumbling to the tiki bar, she smiled and took a cup of coffee from Ladon. She blew on it, thanking him when he set a platter of bacon and eggs in front of her.

Teju never waited for his food or drinks to cool. He gulped coffee and immediately spit it out, spraying Ladon’s shirt.

“Hey!” Ladon cried.

Eyes flashing yellow, Teju wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “That tastes like piss!”

A roar was heard from the bathroom. The shower turned off and there was loud cursing.

Teju ran to the bathroom and banged on the door with his wand. “Draque, are you okay?”

“Fucking Faery fucksticks!” Draque hollered. “The shower water is piss!”

Serah pushed her coffee away, watching with horror as Ladon turned on the sink. The water ran yellow. Gross! She clutched her roiling gut. “I don’t think I want breakfast.” And not just because she was afraid of eating off piss plates, but she was also sick with worry. Her mates would want revenge.

Draque emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. He furiously dried his hair with another towel, his eyes glowing bright, and his skin rose with golden dragon scales.

Oh, I love it when he’s part dragon, Thelix purred. Too bad he’s covered in piss. I’d be all over that hot body.

“The Fae tampered with our bubble.” He threw his towels on the floor and stomped into underwear and a pair of jeans. “I’m going to burn every last one of them.” His voice was a deep dragon rumble.

Thelix gasped. I might be willing to overlook the piss smell for rage sex.

Will you shut up? Serah demanded. “Draque, calm down.” She walked over and reached for his arm.

He jerked away. “Don’t touch me. Who knows what’s in that water?”

She released a slow, steady breath and said calmly. “We’ll wash in the ocean.”

“Yeah,” he said, “right after I burn down their fucking cloud.”

Much to her chagrin, his brothers mumbled agreement.

“And then King Tormung will burn you down.” She gave them pointed looks. “He swore a blood oath to defend the Fae queen.”

When Draque marched past her without a word, hopping out of the bubble and shifting, her heart sank. Her foolish mates weren’t listening. How far would they go, and when Copyright 2016 - 2024