Above World - By Jenn Reese Page 0,87

She already knew the answer, but she wanted to hear it from Daphine’s lips.

Her sister surfaced, water cascading off the glinting metal scope that had replaced her eye. Daphine’s long hair lay sleek and perfect against her head and neck, except where Fathom had shaved it off for his operation.

“Hoku has restored the power to our breathing shells, so the Elders will be tempted to continue their hiding,” Daphine said.

“But Fathom and Karl Strand know where the Seahorse Alpha outpost is. And the Trade Rock. It won’t be long before they find the City of Shifting Tides itself,” Aluna said.

“Exactly,” her sister said. “As the Voice of the Kampii, I will be a daily reminder of the cost of turning too far inward and ignoring the Above World. Karl Strand will find us. And if we’re not ready when he does, then my fate — or worse — awaits all Kampii. Hiding is no longer an option.”

“We need allies, not isolation. We’re at war,” Aluna said. “Not even Father will be able to deny that when he sees what happened to his favorite child.”

Daphine stuck her tongue out and swam closer. Aluna fought an urge to recoil. She still wasn’t used to her sister’s mutilated face. Daphine relaxed against the pool wall and splashed her tail in the water.

“He’ll be happy to see you, you know,” Daphine said. “He was angry, of course, but only until he realized you were gone.”

Aluna studied her hands, pretending to examine the calluses. Her sister stopped splashing.

“You are coming home,” Daphine said, suddenly serious.

“How can I? We captured Fathom, but who knows how many of Karl Strand’s clones are out there? He wants to take over the Above World. Our victory won’t stop him — it’ll just anger him. You said it yourself: it’s just a matter of time before they find the City of Shifting Tides. The Kampii will never be truly safe until Karl Strand is dead.”

“But you took the seed, Aluna. I saw you.”

“Then why don’t I have a tail?” Aluna asked. “It’s been almost a week. Back home, the transformation starts right away.”

“Ocean Seeds are most potent when they’re hot,” Daphine said. “The one you took had grown cold. It’s still working inside you — just slowly.” She rested her hand on Aluna’s arm and squeezed. “Come home, Aluna. Talk to him. If you don’t want to stay after that, then I’ll help you pack myself.”

Talk to her father.

She was a hero now, a warrior. But would he see her any differently? Would he look at her and see anything besides a defiant child?

“I’m sorry, but I can’t,” she said. “Not yet. Maybe not ever.”

Daphine smiled sadly. “You’ll have to say good-bye to the Above World eventually. It might take weeks or it might take months. But you’ll have to say good-bye.”

“I know,” Aluna said quietly. She could feel the seed in her body, shifting things around. Most of the time she could ignore it, but twice now the pain had made her scream. Whether or not it gave her a tail, the Ocean Seed would not let her forget the choices she’d made. “But there’s a war to fight, and even if I don’t make it to the end, I want to play my part in as many battles as I can.”

“Have you told Hoku about the seed?” Daphine asked.

Aluna shook her head. She hadn’t told any of them. She looked at her sister. “Can it be our secret? Please?”

“Oh, little one.” Daphine rose up in the water and wrapped her arms around Aluna. “For you, I would do anything. You have already done everything for me.”

Hoku strolled through Middle Green with Aluna and Calli and watched the technicians clean up after their old master. Liu scurried around with the other Meks, stopping to wink at Dash every chance she got. Hoku glanced nervously at Aluna, but she didn’t seem to notice.

Most of the Upgraders were gone now that their slave collars had been removed. He doubted they’d seen the last of them. Some Upgraders hadn’t been slaves at all, but Fathom’s willing henchmen. And he was sure that some of them had scurried off to report to Karl Strand. Not that Strand didn’t already know. When Hoku had woken up all the Meks, he’d used all the power Fathom had been sending to his father. Karl Strand would notice, all right. He’d notice and want revenge.

The Dome Meks were already working on their defense systems, but to Hoku,

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