Above World - By Jenn Reese Page 0,63

and hide!” Hoku said. “Your bones are too thin for the deep. You have to fly!”

He submerged and headed for Dash. Aluna paddled after him, coughing and keeping her chin raised as far above the surface of the water as she could manage. The ocean used to be her home. She never realized how dangerous it was . . . and how unwelcoming.

She kept an eye on the Upgraders as she navigated the waves. The first monster insects had reached the water’s edge, but they would not go farther. A distant buzzing noise grew louder and louder as she inched through the water.


Those despicable machines skimmed over the surf, their translucent wings flapping so fast that she couldn’t even see them. What she could see were the twin flamethrowers mounted on each flier.

She scanned the sky for Calli and saw the winged girl heading to the trees. Good. Calli had spent her whole life trying to be invisible. That had to count for something now.

The rhinebra bolted from the water, and three of the Upgraders broke off from the group to chase it down. She saw Dash struggling to stay afloat near the shore, each wave buffeting his body. Hoku surfaced between them and then disappeared back under the water. Swift as a seal, she urged him.

They were never going to survive. The four of them were separated, wounded, flailing. The Upgraders were fresh, powerful, fast. She was supposed to figure out some brilliant plan that enabled them to defeat the Upgraders, make it to the HydroTek dome, and save the world. Instead, they were going to die alone and afraid, half killed by the ocean that used to be an ally. It was her job to lead them, and she had led them to their death.

Salt water splashed into her face, as if the ocean were slapping her. The cold sting woke her up. This was no time for self-pity — and certainly no time for giving up.

The first dragonflier headed for Dash.

“Watch out!” she yelled.

Dash heard her and ducked under a wave as double gouts of flame shot from the dragonflier. The second dragonflier sped toward her as the first one hovered over Dash’s location. Where was he? He hadn’t resurfaced yet. How long could he hold his breath?

She scanned the waves for Hoku but couldn’t find him. Had he gotten to Dash already? Was he keeping Dash under the water? She wanted to go help, but soon she’d have her own Upgrader to deal with.

A slimy hand wrapped around her left ankle and pulled.

Aluna yelped in surprise and kicked. The thing let go for a second, then grabbed her again. She kicked harder, but whatever was attacking her tightened its grip. Could the Upgraders swim? She smashed the heel of her right foot into the thing holding her.

Another slick, rubbery hand grabbed her free ankle. Aluna gulped air. Her attacker yanked, and she was dragged under the water.

Down, down, down. She slid through the water. Pressure built around her lungs, slowly squeezing them tighter and tighter. She kicked and squirmed harder as her panic grew.

Whatever was pulling her slowed but did not release her ankles. A dark shape appeared in front of her. She recognized its huge black eyes and slick gray skin immediately.

“Deepfell!” she blurted out.

She realized her mistake too late. Down this deep, she’d drown before she could find her way to the surface again for another gulp of air. If the Deepfell didn’t kill her first.

The Deepfell darted its head forward, as if it were going to head butt her. Instead, the flat gray lips of its mouth pressed against hers. When it pulled away, a bubble formed between their mouths. A bubble filled with air.

Aluna breathed.

The Deepfell holding her legs released its grip. She stayed where she was, grateful to have the air, and grateful to be far away from the Upgraders.

Even if that meant temporarily surrendering to the Deepfell.

THE DEEPFELL in front of her — a woman — motioned for her to follow. Aluna worried that the air bubble wobbling around her mouth might burst when she moved, but decided to trust her rescuers. If they’d wanted her dead, they could have stayed safely underwater and watched the Upgraders kill her. Or worse, they could have let her drown in the ocean that used to be her home.

She swam after the Deepfell. The bubble around her face wavered, but remained intact. She could even open and close her mouth without breaking the

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