30 Days (Lost Love Trilogy #1) - Belle Brooks Page 0,51

could have said hello, jerk … Shit! How far am I into the checklist?” I locate the piece of paper that was left on the desk when I entered this morning and note I’m halfway through. Well, he has to be happy with that, I’m sure. Maybe I shouldn’t tell him. He’s being an arse, after all. If he wants to give me the silent treatment, well, two can play games, douche. Hell, what’s the worst thing that’s going to happen? I get sent home? Hallelujah!

Brrring … brrring … brring

The loud and irritating sound of the phone beside me stops once the handset is in my hand.



“How are you?” More like who are you? And what do you want?

“Is this Sims, General, and Klein?”

“The very one.”

“May I ask who I’m speaking to?”

“You may.”

“Well, who is this?”

“Oh, sorry. Abigail.”

“Do you think you should state that and the company name when you’re answering the phone?”

“Probably. Who is this?”

“Abigail, it’s Asher. You know, for a teacher in business, you have poor phone skills.”

Asher, my new friend, maybe you can help. “Sorry, I’m just in the middle of something.”

She laughs. “It sure is boring without you here.” Her tone is sulky.


“Yes. How is your first day going?”

“You know what? Better now you’ve called. Hey, you know the Asher here is not as nice as you.”

“There’s no Asher who works there.” Her voice lifts on the words.

“Well, yes. I mean you, but here you.”

“I’m confused.”

“The uppity front desk chick.”


“Yeah, her.”

“Trin’s lovely, you just have to get to know her.”

“Everybody is uppity here.” I sigh.

“That’s Sydney for you.”


“Well, yeah, sometimes, but they are nice when you spend some time with them.”

“I see.”

“So what were you in the middle of?”

“I’m thinking payback. You might be able to help actually.”

“This sounds interesting.” Her tone is filled with curiosity.

“It is.”


“Hang on, I just thought of something.” Tucking the phone between my shoulder and ear, I begin typing.

From: Abigail McMillian

Subject: What checklist?

Date: 8th of November 2012 12:38pm

To: Mr Klein

Dear Mr Klein,

Good day to you, sir. I hope your day has been productive in preparation for this very difficult case. I’ve activated the account as ordered. I’m still not sure why it’s taken this long to get an email account activated for me—someone is clearly not doing their job right. And as a boss man, you might want to look into that. Anyway, my reply has been very prompt, given I’m still on my lunch break. Unfortunately, I am not privy to this checklist you speak of. Can you please instruct where I might locate it?


Miss McMillian


“Now I’ll wait for a reply,” I scoff, pleased.


“Let’s just say a certain someone has ignored me and made me feel really unwelcome here.”


“Well, everybody. But this certain someone I’m not particularly happy with.”

“I’m so confused.” Asher’s voice is rattled.

“Hey, Asher?”


“You know I had no idea Marcus was Mr Klein?”

“Really? How did you not? You were talking to him in the copy room and you seemed to get along well.”

“Yeah, we did, but I thought he was an assistant.”

“Oh Lord, hope you didn’t tell him that. Big-shot lawyers probably don’t take too kindly to being demoted.”

I awkwardly laugh.

“You did tell him, didn’t you?”

“I suffer from foot in mouth, Asher. The problem is real.”

Fits of laughter barrel down the line. “See, this is what I’m missing by not having you here. You’re a breath of fresh air.”

The sound of dinging alerts me to a reply.

“Can I call you back? I have something I need to do.”

“Sure thing. Be good, Abigail.”


Dropping the receiver onto the console, I immediately open the email.

“Well, well, Marcus, what says you?”

From: Marcus Klein

Subject: Please tell me you are joking?

Date: 8th of November 2012 12:40pm

To: Abigail McMillian


This is not funny. I assume you are joking. Am I right to do so?

Marcus Klein


Sims, General, and Klein.

From: Abigail McMillian

Subject: I’ve not the foggiest idea what you are talking about

Date: 8th of November 2012 12:41pm

To: Mr Klein

Dear Mr Klein,

I have no checklist. Please instruct.


Miss McMillian


From: Marcus Klein

Subject: Care to explain?

Date: 8th of November 2012 12:43pm

To: Abigail McMillian


Well, what have you been doing all morning then?

Marcus Klein


Sims, General, and Klein.

A small giggle escapes my lips. Oh, wouldn’t you like to know. I think hard about what to answer and, before long, I have a ‘ding, ding’ moment.

From: Abigail McMillian

Subject: Explanation?

Date: 8th of November 2012 12:45pm

To: Mr Klein

Dear Mr Klein,

Playing Solitaire.


Miss McMillian


Giggling to myself for the second time in a matter of minutes, I’m pleased with my efforts. I’ll give it a moment and let him finish shitting

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