30 Days (Lost Love Trilogy #1) - Belle Brooks Page 0,44

the glow is mesmerising. This place is gigantic and whimsical … it’s a dream.

“Do you own this house, Marcus?” I stare at him.

Warmth fills my fingers as he wraps his hand within mine. “No, I don’t.” His tone is subdued.


“Well, what?”

“Does anyone know we are staying here?”

He nods. “Of course. Why do you insist I’m a law breaker? Is it because I told you about my night in the lock-up? It is, isn’t it?” His eyes sparkle under the lights. “The property belongs to Mr Sims. I always stay here when in town.”

“So I’m staying here with you?”


“Just the two of us?”

“Well, no, there are people who maintain the property, and they come and go. Mr and Mrs Frost live here in a quarters at the rear. They’re lovely, and you’ll meet them. Grady will also be staying.” Marcus eyes me cautiously. “What’s wrong, Abigail?”


“You’re biting that damn lip of yours again.”

“I am?”

“Yes.” His throat goes hoarse on the word.

“Sorry.” I release it from between my teeth. “My carry-on and my shopping,” I say on exiting the car.

“Grady will bring them in. Come,” he says as we walk to the front door. “The code is five, four, seven, and three, to turn the alarm off. Grady or I should be with you most times, but if not, that’s the number you’ll need to remember.”

“Okay.” I’ll remember. God, I hope I will. Five, four, seven, and three, I repeat over and over in my mind.

Marcus punches in the code, pushes one side of the double doors open, and releases his grasp on my hand. He reaches out his arm then flicks what sounds like many switches. I blink from the invasion of lights.

“Martha, Adam? It’s Marcus.” There’s no reply. “They must have turned in for the night. You’ll meet them in the morning. That’s the Frosts I was telling you about.”

I nod.

“I’ll be back.” He says, walking away from me before disappearing down a hallway.

I stand there gawking at the many fine furnishings and the open space this house offers. It’s exquisite and formal—so fancy. I’ve never been in a place like this. A broad staircase made out of dark wood is like one you’d only see in the movies. It leads to a second level and is very grand.

Marcus reappears, shirtless, with his jeans hanging low on his hips … his jeans look soaked through. Holy shit. My thighs press together at the sight.

“The sprinklers were on.” He smiles with a youthful innocence.

“What sprinklers? They have sprinklers inside?”

He chuckles. “Of course not.”

“Oh.” He went outside. When? Why? I don’t ask. I stand staring at him in all his gloriousness.

His dark hair glistens with beads of water before his fingers brush them away, messing the strands. “I’m going to shower. Grady will have dinner plated in about ten minutes.”

“Where will I sleep and get freshened up?”

“This way.” He points before walking bow-legged towards the staircase.

I’m finding it hard not to moan at the sight of his smooth hairless back and his shirt hanging from the back pocket of his pants. I close my eyes.

“Fuck!” I yell as my body lands in a heap on the polished wood floor.

“Are you okay?” He stifles a laugh, lifting me from the ground with ease.

My chest now presses against his wet chest, and my breasts heave as I stare into his eyes. “I tripped.”

“The curse,” he whispers.

“I think so.” I don’t tell him I was walking with my eyes closed, and as I pull myself away, he slides his fingers between mine.

“I better hold on to you. Air is dangerous when you’re near.”

“Apparently so.” We slowly take each step up the stairs. I believe he’s worried I’ll trip down them, or he will … I giggle.

“Something amusing?”


Turning left at the top of the staircase, we’re met by plush carpeting. At the end of the hallway we stop at a door. He turns the crystal doorknob.

“You’ll be staying in this room.” As he flicks a switch, light quickly fills the space.

“Wow. It’s beautiful.” My mouth drops open. “This room—” I’m not sure how to explain it. It’s like it’s been stolen from an olden-day movie. There’s a large timber bed sitting against the back wall with a slatted bedhead, four posts, and netting over the top. Cupboards with handcrafted feet on the bottom and delicate sculptured woodwork panels reside along an adjacent wall. A dresser with a heart-shaped mirror makes me smile. It’s so 1800s and completely out of this world.

“They kept the property similar to

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